Module 1: Session 3

Tips and Tricks to Mastering Hunger

Video #1 - Anchoring In Hunger

Video #2 - The 3 Different Hunger Types

Video #3 - Hunger and Going to the Bathroom

Video #4 - The Power of the First Few Bites

Video #5 - What If You Have Set Meal Times

Video #6 - What To Do If You're Feeling Hungry ALL the Time

Video #7 - Shouldn't I Be Eating Every 2-3 Hours?

Notes for this Lesson -

3 Types of Hunger

There are different types of hunger and often times we confuse them. Let’s go through each one –

Mouth hunger = thirst, need for water, a wetness in your mouth
Stomach hunger = need for food, where most physical hunger resides
Mental/Mind hunger = Mentally thinking about or wanting food that often is masking a deeper need for love, connection, numbing out or support.

The ONLY reason your body needs food, is when your body experiences physical or stomach hunger. Mouth hunger is a craving for water and to be hydrated. Mental hunger needs something non-food from you like  emotional love and support. 

We will be diving deeper dive into emotional hunger later, but for now, let’s do a mini-assessment to see how you are doing…

Hunger Assessment

I would like you to take several days to begin to practice and begin to master hunger, so don’t rush. The entire point of this module is to eat when you are hungry 80% or more of the time.
Take a moment to assess your hunger now that you’ve spent a little time practicing it.

1. Are you able to differentiate between mouth hunger, stomach hunger, and mental hunger?

___ Yes

___ No

___ I’m not sure

2. Have you practiced using your breath to relax your Inner 2-Year-Old (the part of you that feels like you MUST eat NOW that is not related to hunger)?

___ Yes

___ No

___ Not yet, this hasn’t come up yet

Now Let’s Craft 3 New Behaviors Around Hunger:

1. What are three new behaviors that would help you increase eating when you’re hungry by 5-10% if you still need practice?




2. Are there any obstacles that could get in the way of these three new behaviors?

3. If there are obstacles, how are you going to address them?

4. Can you see yourself as someone eating only when you are hungry?

5.  When you think about being that person, how does that feel?

6. How are you going to celebrate yourself this week as you adopt these new behaviors to support you in honoring your body? (a new nail polish, a walk, a massage, stars on your calendar)

Focus Work for Module 1, Session 3

1.  Keep practicing eating when you are hungry. To track your progress, CLICK HERE to print out the hunger tracking form.


2. In your journal, write 2-3 things you are proud of as it relates to your body, your weight and how amazing you are doing stepping into your thin day.


3. Visualize your new behaviors to support you eating when you are hungry and feel them inside your body as though they have already manifested.


4. Keep Paying Attention To Your Hunger Levels:

Level (4) – slightly hungry
Level (3) – nice and hungry
Level (2) – very hungry
Level (1) – I’m so hungry I’m going to pass out. This is RED ZONE eating – don’t let yourself get this hungry. It often creates binges and overeating.


5. Celebrate yourself when you honor your hunger. Do a little dance, tell yourself you are awesome, give yourself a high-five, because you are awesome and you are making headway!