Module 1: Session 2
Begin Eating Like the Thin You, Within You
Video #1 - When Do the Naturally Thin Eat?
Video #2 - How the Naturally Thin Describe What Hunger FEELS Like
Video #3 - The 4 Different Hunger Levels
Focus Work for Module 1, Session 2
1. Practice eating when you are hungry. CLICK HERE to print out your hunger tracking form.
2. In your journal, write 2-3 things you are proud of as it relates to your body and your health.
3. Visualize your powerful WHY for improving your health and creating new behaviors that will support you to in having the health and body you desire. Feel them inside of your body as though they have already manifested.
4. Keep getting to know hunger and the different hunger levels inside of your body. The levels are –
Level (4) – slightly hungry
Level (3) – nice and hungry
Level (2) – very hungry
Level (1) – I’m so hungry I’m going to pass out. This is RED ZONE eating – don’t let yourself get this hungry. It often creates binges and overeating.
5. Celebrate yourself when you honor your hunger. Do a little dance, tell yourself you are awesome, give yourself a high-five, because you are awesome and you are making headway!