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Please notice the calendar below is in the EASTERN TIME ZONE.
This Month's Workshop:
Your ThinWithin Journey - Today and Beyond
Please enjoy the replays to this month's training by clicking the button below
Every Monday - Marna leads a live training on Zoom, focused on the current month's workshop topic.
The first three Wednesdays of the month - Marna leads a live training coaching on Zoom to support you and coach you around any questions, blocks or frustrations you are having to move you forward.
Two Friday's a month - Marna leads a live Mastermind Support group on Zoom, where members have the opportunity to break out into mini groups and talk through an area of frustration and mastermind with their group strategies to help them move forward.
The final week of the month Kate leads a live EFT tapping experience on Zoom to help you use EFT to tap out old unconscious beliefs and intentionally tap in new, more powerful ones to support your health and body goals.