Module 1: Quiz

Congratulations for making it to the end of module one! 

Even though you are here it may or may not mean that you’re ready to move on though…

One of the things that’s so important to me helping you succeed here at ThinWithin Life, is that you really create and master the naturally thin ways of eating.

I know for me, I like to consume A LOT of information. I like to stuff my brain with so many facts and details. I’m obsessed with learning and if you’re like me, CHEERS to loving to learn. 

BUTTTTTT…you and I both know, that you can learn and learn and learn without taking any action. I want to help you create the body you want and I will obsessively work to help you achieve your body dreams, which is why it’s essential for you learn AND take action on what you’re learning. Doing both is going to ensure that you’re going to change your body. 

To help you be in the DOING part of this course, I’ve created a quiz at the end of most modules so that you can see if you need to hang out here for a bit while are taking action on that particular skill.

For this Module, I want to make sure you are eating when you are hungry the majority of the time before moving on to module 2. I want you feeling in and connecting into your body.

I have a few questions to ask you, to help you and I see where you are at and YES, you can Bunk the system by taking the quiz again and changing the answers until you unlock the next module OR you can self-reflect, be truthful with yourself and just be real about where you are now to determine if moving forward is the right thing for you.

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