Trusting Your Body To Slim Down Workshop
Do you have a trusting relationship with yourself, your body, movement, food, and your ability to lose weight?
Trust with yourself is created by telling yourself something and then following through. 
Yet, when it comes to your relationship with yourself, your body, movement, and food, do you trust your relationship with your word or does it feel weak and need strengthening?
During this workshop, learn to build up your trust in yourself, your body, movement, food and your ability to lose weight. I will give you weekly tools focused on helping strengthen and deepen your relationship with TRUST.
Get ready to dive deep into this work of TRUST and take charge of your brain.

Session #1

Trust - The First Belief In the Reliability, Truth, Ability, and Strength In Yourself

What Does it Mean to Trust Your Body to Lose Weight?


We are going to explore all these different meanings of trust and how they are playing out in your life consciously and unconsciously and where you might want to make adjustments to strengthen and grow this trust or enact new tools.

Let’s explore what Body Trust means to YOU

In this series we are going to think of Body Trust as –
Listening and Honoring your body’s innate wisdom.

This means that your body has innate wisdom and how do we know that your body has this innate wisdom-

Autonomic nervous system – 
There are automatic things it does everyday that you trust. It controls and regulates the internal organs without any conscious recognition or effort by you. – It breathes, has blood pulsing through you, it knows how to heal itself when you injure yourself, there are hundreds of things it does automatically.
Somatic Nervous System – 
This system includes all nerves that run to and from the spinal cord and send information to and from the muscles and senses. Generally, from the spinal cord to the muscles so you can move your body and limbs.
There is a lot that we trust will just happen in our bodies, but when it comes to you trusting your body to keep you thin, healthy, vibrant and at your ideal weight range, how do you begin to trust that it can do that?

1. Believe that it has signals and information that we can listen to and honor.
2. Trust hunger and satiation
3. Listen to what feels the best inside of your body – what gives you energy, what makes you feel alive and beautiful?
4. Not override these signals – by putting too much food in your body, eating past satisfaction, etc.

Now, of course, you could say well Marna, there are times where I didn’t know that I’ve been sick or had cancer and I didn’t even know anything was wrong. So I’m not totally sure I can trust myself.

That’s true – there are times where we don’t know that our body needs something or it’s craving something from you, that you’re not feeling which is why there are colonoscopies, Annual exams, mammograms, and other things that you can preventatively do to help your body talk to you to discover what your body wants and needs.

How do you begin to develop trust with anyone? 

We listen, we share, we hold their desires in confidence. We give time and energy with that friendship. We make the feel valued and important.
There is a lot that we can listen to when it comes to developing a trusting relationship with our bodies to lose weight of keep you at your desired weight, for those of you who have already lost your weight.

1. So, take a moment and just allow yourself to decide to develop the friendship with your body by learning to listen, honor and give it the time to understand its wants and needs. Give yourself the gift of listening and aligning and getting more and more connected to the language of your body.

2. Get out a piece of paper and let’s answer some questions about YOUR body-

  1. How does your body tell you when it needs food?
  2. How does it tell you when the food you eat is working great in your body?
  3. How does it tell you, when the food you eat doesn’t work well in your body?
  4. How does your body tell you when it’s had enough food?
  5. How does your body tell you that it’s dehydrated and needs water?
  6. How does your body show you that you are tired?
  7. How does your body tell you when it’s needs to move for cardio reasons?
  8. How does your body tell you when it’s needs to move for strength reasons?
  9. What foods and/or activities lessen food cravings?
  10. What are you food cravings trying to tell you?
  11. Is there an area where you could tighten up your listening? 
  12. What would have to do this week to be an awesome listener, partner and friend with your body?


Body Trust Focus Work for Session 1:


NOVICE LEVEL ASSIGNMENT: Answer the questions from the Trust Assessment during class. Once completed, commit to investing in your friendship with your body. Focus on hunger/satiation and listen intently to those signals this week.
INTERMEDIATE LEVEL ASSIGNMENT: Complete the trust assessment and then listen in to the area you have chosen to tighten up. To support you changing your mind about trusting you can post and affirmation and read it at least twice daily.
For those wanting to lose more weight:
– I trust my body to continue to lose weight.
– I honor my body. I know it will tell me what it needs.
For those in the goal weight area try:
– I can trust my body will keep me at my ideal range.
ADVANCED LEVEL ASSIGNMENT: Complete both assignments above, reread the notes, listen to the class again. 

Session #2

Taking Charge of Your Brain with the 


What is Getting In the Way of  Trusting  Your Body

You probably noticed that the only thing that gets in the way with trusting your body is the conversation(s) that you have in your mind – which are the thoughts that you have with yourself and with others.
Your brain and your body get into a set vibrational state. Most of us have a vibration of emotion that we are used to. Sometimes it’s good and sometimes it’s not.
  • Avoidance
  • Anxiety
  • Helplessness
  • Strength
  • Anger
  • Resentment
  • Upset
  • Victimhood
  • Happy
  • Party
This energy or habit of emotion creates habits of actions.
You might notice that on Monday, you go full charge and then throughout the week, your actions dwindle. Or maybe you find on the weekends you find yourself letting down by over-consuming food and waiting for Monday to come to be “better”.
Let’s explore your current emotional landscape around trust.  When you find yourself overriding the internal knowing and trust you have with yourself, what is going on?
Answer WEEK 2’s Trust Questions at this link or answer the following:
  1. From 1-10, how strong of a partner were you with your body this past week and weekend?
  2. Were there any times that you noticed that you mentally over-rode your body? (List between 1-4 situations)
  3. Can you explain more about the situation(s) that led to you mentally overriding your body?
  4. Why do you think you override your body’s ability to guide you
  5. What is the impact of overriding your body’s innate wisdom
  6. Before your mind begins to check-out, go on autopilot, and override your body, what could you practice putting into place, to strengthen the partnership you have with your body?
  7. What would be the positive benefits of creating this new practice/strategy to bring more connection, trust and honor to your body?
  8. How willing are you to implement this?
  9. Is there anything you could do to increase your willingness to implement this?
  10. Is there anything you can do to reward this new practice with your body?


Body Trust Focus Work 
NOVICE LEVEL ASSIGNMENT: Answer the questions from the Session # 2 Trust Questions document during class. Once completed, practice your chosen 3 QUESTION PATTERN with ANCHOR twice a day when you are not stressed or distracted. Put on an alarm if you think you will forget. Be sure to reward yourself with each effort, like you would with a child. We all need reinforcement, especially when trying to change our go-to behaviors.
Possible 3 QUESTION PATTERN sequences:
—Am I OK? What do I need? How can I get that for myself?
—How am I doing? What am I needing? Can I get that for myself now or promise to do so some time later?
Possible anchors:
—Touching a part of your body (stomach, heart, hugging yourself) when asking the questions to help connect to your physical form.
Possible rewards:
—Praise/Compliment your efforts to be in partnership with your body. “I am awesome!”
—Check into the Inner Circle with a post or your Marco Polo Accountability group and let others praise you.
—Give yourself some acknowledgement of your work: beads in a jar, stickers on a chart, emoji stars on your phone’s notes app, etc.
—If you get to 4 times this week, reward yourself with reading a few pages of a good book, a soak in the bathtub, buy yourself something, etc.
INTERMEDIATE LEVEL ASSIGNMENT: Complete the novice assignment and add on a practice of asking yourself at least once a day when you are stressed or are about to eat without hunger but before you go on autopilot. We are only looking for a 10-20% improvement overall, strengthening the partnership with your body, not perfection.

Help yourself get in front of the situation by BREATHING in stressful times, LEAVING the room where the stress is so, or WRITING the answers to your 3 QUESTION PATTERN so you can assess your needs.

ADVANCED LEVEL ASSIGNMENT: Complete both assignments above, reread the notes, and find a GO TO podcast of Marna’s that you can repeat when you feel weak in this area. Bookmark it or download the audio for future reference. Listen to it for reinforcements.

Session #3

Learning to Trust the Process

3 Common Thoughts That Get In the Way of You Trusting Yourself 

There are three common thoughts that get in the way of you trusting yourself to lose weight  
1. Thinking that you are not doing something well enough
2. Agreeing with your fatter chatter. 
What you do this you diminish your self-trust. You don’t need to escape it, but rather bring awareness to this and direct your thoughts to THINK the way you desire.
When you stop listening to your inner critic and you educate it and direct your mind to stand up to it, moving to a kinder and more loving relationship with your fatter chatter is possible.
3. Worrying constantly about the process.
When yo worry so much about the process, you undermines self-trust.
If you have past or future  worries – you are missing the present.

I know that you want fast weight loss results – but so much worry actually takes you away from the process and often has you bounce from one diet to another in hopes of a faster process.

When you only focus on FAST, you miss the amazing work of what it really takes to lose weight – this work is 100% complete and holistic!


Trusting the ThinWithin and ThinWithin Life Process

TODAY I want to look deeply at the steps that have caused you to gain weight,  so that you can feel confident trusting this approach to help you lose weight.
Let’s break this down so you can trust the process –
What are the reasons that have contributed to any weight gain past or present?
  1. Overeating
  2. Inflammation
  3. Hormones
  4. Emotional Eating
  5. Thinking



When you are honoring your body and eating only when you are hungry, you address the element of overeating, which means that you then have to deal with the emotional eating side of things, right?


What about inflammation? How does this Thin Within process address inflammation?

When you begin this process of listening to your body, one thing I teach you is to pay attention to how your body feels when you eat certain foods.

The reason I do this is because, when interviewing the naturally thin, I wanted to know if there were certain foods that the naturally thin ate that I didn’t.

And what they all shared with me was that the majority of the foods that they ate were foods that made them look and feeling their best.

Which meant –

They were aware of and rarely ate foods that didn’t agree with them, such as:
a. Foods that made them tired
b. Foods that caused bloat and discomfort
c. Foods that created headaches
d. Foods that made it difficult to wake up in the morning
So when you look at the food you’re putting in your body, I want you to notice how your body is doing.

When you know that white flour doesn’t work well for your body – and you choose to eat them less, then that’s creating TRUST for your body’s wisdom.

When you choose to constantly override your body’s knowledge, this is then the emotional and mental work we do here to understand why you do what you do.


Let’s talk hormones… 
1. is one of the most important hormones when it comes to weight loss and weight gain.
2. insulin is responsible for storing blood sugar, or utilizing it, AND decides how much fat to store or use for energy expenditure.
3. Chronically high levels of insulin can lead to a condition known as insulin resistance, which is linked to increased blood sugar and elevated insulin levels. Which can create diabetes and weight gain.
1. is your hunger hormone and it also communicates with the brain.
2. Sometimes ghrelin will signal you all the time and you feel hungry all of the time instead of every 4-5 hours.
Leptin :
1. hunger satiation hormone
2. When your leptin levels are balanced, you don’t overeat because you feel full after eating a well-rounded meal, and that fullness lasts for hours.
3. Certain foods that leave you feeling empty and wanting more and feeling hungry even after a short period of time – is where a leptin imbalance is at play.
1. Stress hormone that is often linked to overeating. When we manages stress or at least have tools for this – we lessen our
2. OR the reverse – lessen overeating – lessen cortisol
2 Solutions for pretty much ALL Hormone deficiencies
1. Having more whole and real foods in your diet. Make sure the foods that are
Recognizable AND Delicious
2. Movement – both cardio and/or strength training to build muscle and promote healthy bones.

We address these by –

1. Listening to the impact food has on your body – if you eat and you want to fall asleep – then we adjust the food type/quality.

2. If you don’t feel satisfied physically by your meal – we adjust the food type/quality so that you do.

3. If you feel mentally satisfied by your meal – we adjust what food your eating so you do. This is why creating you ThinWithin Life and this process works so well.


Everything we do inside of here is about separating your physical hunger from your mental desire for food. When you separate these two and lessen the mental power that food has over you, you lessen your emotional eating.




There is no other place that I know of, where there is so much aim at transforming your inner mental world so that your physical body can reflect your new thoughts. 

You can’t change facts. The fact of what your weight is on the scale, the size clothes you are wearing, or the blood work you receive back from the doctor at any particular visit. 

However, what you think and feel about those facts you have 100% power to shift, change and feel inspired by.

Your thoughts and feelings create your actions and so if you are thinking crappy thoughts or feeling unhappy,  that’s going to be your reality over time. 

You creating your ThinWithin Life is about knowing how to feel your feelings, and to adjust your thoughts and feelings to match the life and health you crave!


Two Questions to Ask Yourself When You are Doubting Yourself and/or This Process

If you find yourself engaging in any thoughts that are negative, are unsupportive, perfectionistic, unkind, or that tell you that you are not “doing enough,” simply redirect your brain with more realistic and positive thoughts.

To address your thoughts, pay attention to what is going on inside your head.

Write down the positive thoughts you want to think naturally, if you need extra help. For example: “I do matter”, “I am enough”, etc.

It’s time to trust this process and use your mind to reveal to you that you can do this. You can trust this work AND if you wonder which area of weight gain you might be struggling with, ask yourself…
Question #1: Which Area is Currently Contributing to My Weight Gain?
1. Overeating
2. Inflammation
3. Hormones
4. Emotional Eating
5. Thinking
Question #2 Which Area Am I Excited to Focus on to Lose Weight?
1. Overeating
2. Inflammation
3. Hormones
4. Emotional Eating
5. Thinking


Body Trust Focus Work for week 3
Figure out which area you are excited to pay attention to this week.
  1. Overeating
  2. Inflammation
  3. Hormone
  4. Emotional Eating
  5. Thinking
Remember to use WEEK 2’s question pattern sequence below to open to hearing your body better!

Possible 3 QUESTION PATTERN sequences:
—Am I OK? What do I need? How can I get that for myself?
—How am I doing? What am I needing? Can I get that for myself now or promise to do it some time later today?
Complete the novice assignment and become accountable for your growth. Tell someone you trust. Tell your accountability group or add it as a comment to the post inside of the FB group. 

Complete both assignments above, reread the notes, and listen to today’s class again or find another podcast/workshop by Marna to work on your thoughts.