Weight Loss Beyond Willpower: Tap into Your Mind's Potential with These Psychological Hacks

Get ready for “Weight Loss Beyond Willpower”, this month’s workshop helping you explore a new approach to shedding unwanted pounds. Say goodbye to endless diets and hello to a powerful mindset shift. Unleash the full potential of your mind and tap into psychological hacks that go beyond mere willpower. This comprehensive workshop will empower you to develop healthy habits that stick. Join us on this empowering journey and unlock the key to sustainable weight loss today!

Session #1:

The Visual Power of Symbolic Reminders

Notes for Session #1

Welcome to “Weight Loss Beyond Willpower: Tap into Your Mind’s Potential with These Psychological Hacks”

In this series of trainings, I want to give you tools so you don’t have to rely on willpower. Instead, you can use powerful mental tricks to help support your health goals and weight loss. 

This is a great series to do right alongside the Mastery Course. To enhance your results, I highly recommend you go through the Mastery Course over and over as you journey to your ThinWithin Life. Each time you will get more out of the experience.

First, in the video, I will guide you through a visualization, and some writing, Then I will lead you through one of these hacks.

After visualizing your ideal self with the video, write out the answer to this question:

Why does it matter today that you continue to lean into this more vibrant version of yourself today?

Why is it important that you lose weight and get down to a weight range/size that feels really good to you?

Today’s Psychological Hack: Symbolic Reminders 
Visual cues are powerful. Take some time and come up with something that could represent your weight loss/health goals.

Having a personal symbolic reminder of what you are working towards, whether it is words or a visual, will provide motivation throughout your journey.

Here are some examples of symbolic reminders you can use: 

  1. Bracelets or Wristbands: 

Wear a bracelet or wristband that symbolizes your courage and the version of yourself that you are excited to create. Maybe you have a charm that symbolizes strength or a word that inspires and motivates you like ENJOY or PAUSE (before eating to check in). Really anything that holds personal significance to you. Every time you glance at it, the cue will reinforce your commitment to a healthier lifestyle.


  1. Vision Board: 

When was the last time you created a vision board? Create a visual representation of your weight loss goals and aspirations by making a vision board. Include images, quotes, and words that inspire and motivate you. Place it in a prominent location where you can see it daily, such as on your bedroom wall or on your refrigerator. When you stop seeing it and it becomes part of the background, move it to a new spot.


  1. Motivational Post-it Notes: 

As you are going through the Mastery Course or listening to the member podcasts, or feel inspired by whatever you hear, write the sentence down. Soon you will have many positive affirmations, quotes, and reminders related to your weight loss journey. Look for words that…

  • remind that you are deserving of your goals.  
  • honor your body as spiritual and beautiful 
  • direct you toward compassion and curiosity 
  • give you permission to have fun
  • allow you to enjoy this amazing, awe-inspiring journey. 

Use a variety of colorful Post-it notes. Place them on your bathroom mirror, in front of the toilet, in your closet, in the pantry, in your car, or in any other spot where you’ll see them frequently. Each time you come across a note, it will reinforce your goals and intentions. Again, when you stop reading/seeing them, move them some place novel.


  1. Progress Jars: 

In the 30-Day Challenge, I encourage all participants to use beads to represent their weight loss progress. If that appeals to you, try it now. Over the month fill a glass or jar with marbles, stones, or coins, with each item representing your progress. 

BEHAVIORS -Keep track of a certain behavior you are in the process of changing that will lead to your weight goals. Each time you honor your body by doing the indicated new habit, drop in a bead. Watch the beads just fill up, knowing you are doing the work necessary to get to your goals.

WEIGHT -If you want to use the beads to represent your weight loss, start with a goal of a 5-pound or 3-kilogram loss. Plop a bead in your jar for each pound or kilogram lost. By doing it in specific increments, the goal is easier to reach so you don’t overwhelm yourself. Plus, you can use a bigger bead to represent 5 pounds or 3 kilograms lost. It’s a great visual. Then start over by focusing on the next 5 lbs. or 3 kg.


  1. Clothing or Outfit: 

Choose a piece of clothing or an outfit that you want to fit into comfortably once you achieve your weight loss goals. Hang it somewhere visible, such as on the front of your closet, as a constant reminder of the rewards that await you.


Be sure to choose symbolic reminders that have personal meaning to you. The visual cue needs to resonate in your mind with your weight loss journey. These reminders will serve as visual cues that keep your goals at the forefront of your mind, reinforcing your commitment and inspiring you to go the distance.

Action Steps for Session 1:

NOVICE LEVEL – Do the visualization in the video and answer the question “Why is it important that you lose weight and get down to a weight range/size that feels really good to you?” Choose one of the 5 Symbolic Reminders that appeal to you and work on it at least 2 days this week.

INTERMEDIATE LEVEL- Do the novice-level assignment from above and work on your Symbolic Reminder for 3-4 days a week.

ADVANCED LEVEL – Do the assignment and work on the Symbolic Reminder for 5-7 days this week. Share your work in a post on our private Inner Circle Facebook to inspire others or with your accountability group.

Session #2:

The Power of a 10 minute Visualization

Notes for Session #2

Ease your path to weight loss instead of “White Knuckling” it through the force of your will. Try this 10-minute visualization.

Visualization stimulates neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to rewire and adapt. 

If you consistently imagine yourself achieving your goals, you can rewire your brain. With time and energy, you will reinforce the neural connections to create habits, behaviors, and outcomes leading to your success. 

Think of visualization like a mental rehearsal thereby facilitating your ability to manifest your goals in real life.


Here are 3 major benefits of Visualization:


  1. Positive Reinforcement and Self-Belief: 

Visualization fosters positive emotions and self-belief. By repeatedly visualizing successful outcomes, our brain becomes more attuned to positive possibilities, building confidence and self-efficacy. This self-assured mindset empowers us to tackle challenges with a sense of certainty, making it more likely that we will persist and achieve our goals.


  1. Goal Clarity and Focus: 

Visualization requires us to define our goals in detail and engage in mental rehearsals. This process helps to clarify our objectives, priorities, and the steps needed to achieve them. By focusing on our goals with intention, we create a clear roadmap that guides our actions toward their realization.


  1. Stress Reduction and Resilience: 

Visualization can serve as a relaxation technique to relax your mind so that you can fully take in the goals you want to ac


Before we start your manifestation meditation, think about the weight range that you want to be in. Write down what you want to be doing as this version of you – whatever activities are you engaged in. 

Extra info: This works for any goal or vision you would like to manifest into your reality. 

Do this visualization often and you will enhance the power of the manifestation process.

BONUS GIFT – Audio of Jon Gabriel’s Visualization

Action Steps for Session 2:

NOVICE LEVEL – Continue with the previous week’s work. Do the visualization in the video and answer the question “Why is it important that you lose weight and get down to a weight range/size that feels really good to you?” Choose one of the 5 Symbolic Reminders that appeal to you and work on it at least 2 days this week.

INTERMEDIATE LEVEL- Spend 10 minutes in the morning, when you have time in the afternoon, or just before your most challenging moments following hunger cues VISUALIZING yourself and how you are acting at your goal at least 2-3 days a week.

ADVANCED LEVEL – Do the visualization  4-7 days this week.

Share your work in a post on our private Inner Circle Facebook to inspire others or with your accountability group.

Session #3:

Moving from Diet to Thin Mentality

Notes for Session #3

Hack #3 – Move from a diet mentality to a thin mentality by falling in love with health and this healthy  journey


I remember thinking that weight loss was a one-time thing. In my mind, once I got to a certain desired weight range that would be it. The truth is it’s not really like that at all.


Weight loss is a journey.

Falling in love with the path to health instead of resisting the time it takes to make new habits and rewire the brain eases the passage.

Move from lack and resistance to falling in love with health and vitality.


TIP: Move from feeling like you are “ON something to lose weight” like a diet or even the ThinWithin system to knowing you are creating a healthy life that as a result gifts you the health and vitality you crave.

I used to hate being on weight watchers or feeling like I was on a diet. There was an underlying resistance to someone else’s structure to my eating. I rebelled.  But when I shifted from being a dieter to being naturally thin things changed. 


By taking on a naturally thin stance and falling in love with the journey, everything changed for me. I listened to myself and began to honor my hunger cues, my body, and my mind.

Fall in love with your being and feel healthy. You won’t need willpower when you dive into this mental hack for weight loss. 

Falling in love with the process of who you are becoming. 


Shift your identity from the person you are to the person you want to be and start being the person you want to be right now. Weight loss is a by-product of already “being” that person in your mind.

If you want to be someone who becomes stronger and more energetic at the gym, then start going to the gym and fall in love with different classes or lifting. Feed your mind with loads of positive thoughts about the “gym-going person” you are becoming.

If you don’t have energy and want to feel energetic then start getting good at drinking water, sleeping enough hours for you, and including regular movement in your day.


Plant the seed of health and start watering it and recognizing how amazing it feels. 


  • Instead of being someone who diets, be someone who feels healthy and vibrant and sexy

  • Instead of being someone who occasionally moves, be someone who regularly moves your body.

  • Instead of being someone who bashes your body, be someone who’s falling in love with yourself and your body. 


Choose to “Zip on” a naturally thin person’s head every morning. Send your brain thoughts, actions, and beliefs that the thin, healthy you of the future thinks, does, and believes.


Right as you get up in the morning, do something to “Zip on” a ThinWithin brain: write, read, or speak words that you would think at your goal weight range.


You can also use a visual of your healthy self or listen to a visualization. If it would be more fun, try a variety to set your brain to focus on this healthy, vibrant rendition of you.


There are so many ways to get to a naturally healthy weight for you that I want to add a few more tips this week to support you with Moving from a Diet Mentality to a Thin Mentality by falling in love with health and this healthy  journey:


 1.  See Yourself on a Health Highway – Know that there will be construction, flat tires, and other hazards, seen and unforeseen. Your constant choice is to compassionately get back on the Health Highway. Choose your goals over and over again.

 2.  Shift the Track– Shift the super familiar track in your mind that goes on default. Write the new track that you are going to say. Write a list of the diet mentality thoughts and then choose and write down some healthier more true thoughts to feed your brain daily.

 3.  Post-Decision Dissonance or Buyer’s/Eater’sRemorse – Ask yourself how you’re going to feel 5/10 minutes after you eat. What are you going to be doing then? See if you are willing to skip the food and jump into that next to-do.

4.   The Power of Indifference – Use indifference with certain foods that trigger you. Label the food visually. This cookie is beige. The cheese looks like plastic rectangles a kid might play with. Simply look at food without emotion. Contradict craving by labeling the food in non-appealing ways to see if you can shift yourself out of a craving. Practice this tool. It gets easier over time.

Action Steps for Session 3:

NOVICE LEVEL – Continue with any previous week’s work.

Week 1 Choose one of the 5 Symbolic Reminders that appeal to you and work on it at least 2 days this week.

Week 2- Spend 10 minutes in the morning, when you have time in the afternoon, or just before your most challenging moments following hunger cues VISUALIZING yourself and how you act at your goal at least 2-3 days a week.

INTERMEDIATE LEVEL- At least 2-3 days a week, right as you get up in the morning, do something to “Zip on” a ThinWithin brain: write, read, or speak words that you would think at your goal weight range. You can also use a visual of your healthy self or listen to a visualization. If it would be more fun, try a variety to set your brain to focus on this healthy, vibrant rendition of you.

ADVANCED LEVEL – Do the above  4-7 days this week.

Share your work in a post on our private Inner Circle Facebook to inspire others or with your accountability group.

Session #4:

What are you telling yourself?

Notes for Session #4

Hack #4 –Move from default thinking to intentional thinking.

Ask questions starting with WHO or WHAT?

Using the right type of questions will help you change your thought process. 



Action Steps for Session 4:

NOVICE LEVEL – Continue with any previous week’s work.

Week 1 Choose one of the 5 Symbolic Reminders that appeal to you and work on it at least 2 days this week.

Week 2- Spend 10 minutes in the morning, when you have time in the afternoon, or just before your most challenging moments following hunger cues VISUALIZING yourself and how you act at your goal at least 2-3 days a week.

Week 3- At least 2-3 days a week, right as you get up in the morning, do something to “Zip on” a ThinWithin brain: write, read, or speak words that you would think at your goal weight range. You can also use a visual of your healthy self or listen to a visualization. If it would be more fun, try a variety to set your brain to focus on this healthy, vibrant rendition of you.

INTERMEDIATE LEVEL- 3-5 times this week, consciously check in with your your default thinking. Ask these thoughts Who or What questions that supports your desired health.

ADVANCED LEVEL – Do the assignment above 6-7 times this week. Report into your accountability group or on Friday’s Check-In post to let everyone know how you did.

Share your work in a post on our private Inner Circle Facebook to inspire others or with your accountability group.

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