The Power of Using Hypnotherapy and Visualization to Reach Your Body Goals

Do you find yourself repeating old habits you want to let go of? Are you finding it challenging to see and connect with your ThinWithin self? The subconscious mind often stays hidden and can completely run the show.

Through visualizations and hypnotherapy, Marna will gently guide you to support reprogramming your unconscious to work for you to create your ThinWithin Life. 

Session #1:

Experiencing Safety as Your ThinWithin Self

Video #1: Welcome and Pre-Hypnotherapy

Video #2: Feeling SAFE Hypnotherapy (27 min)

Video #3: Closing After Hypnotherapy

Notes for Session #1

Safety is paramount.

Fear and not feeling safe in your body may cause you to unconsciously sabotage your efforts. 


In this session, feel safe and secure in your body now and as you continue to change your relationship with food.  You can start from a framework of safety no matter what size your body is right now and build from there.

Action Steps for Session 1:

Listen to the hypnotherapy 1-2 times this week.

Listen to the hypnotherapy 3-4 times this week.

Listen to the hypnotherapy 5-7 times this week.

Report to your accountability group or on our private Facebook page to let everyone know how you are doing. 

Session #2:

Deserving and Embracing Your ThinWithin Self

Video #1: Pre-Hypnotherapy

Video #2: Deserving and Embracing Your ThinWithin Life Hypnotherapy (26 min)

Video #3: Closing After Hypnotherapy

Notes for Session #2

Is your unconscious mind resisting a vibrantly healthy life because it mistakenly believes you aren’t worthy of being a naturally slender person? 


Do you truly know through and through that you deserve to live a ThinWithin Life?


Last week I introduced thoughts of safety into your subconscious. In this session, I help you ditch the resistance and embrace your deservability.

Your body and your mind are so deeply connected. By relaxing your conscious and unconscious mind, I easily introduce words to claim your right to be healthier and comfortable in your body.

As with all hypnotherapies, you will take in the words that work for your life and discard any that don’t line up with your deepest truth…which is a healthy, harmonious relationship with your body. 

Action Steps for Session 2:

Listen to the week 1 and 2 hypnotherapy a couple of times this week.

Listen to the hypnotherapies 3-4 times this week.

Listen to the hypnotherapies 5-7 times this week.

Report to your accountability group or on our private Facebook page to let everyone know how you are doing. 

Session #3:

Honor Your Hunger

Video #1: Pre-Hypnotherapy

Video #2: Love Eating Only When Hungry Hypnotherapy (36 min)

Video #3: Closing After Hypnotherapy

Notes for Session #3

Do you love eating only when you are hungry? Eating is meant to be easy, not a battle.

This hypnotherapy promotes new thoughts and beliefs that will help you honor your hunger and listen to the cues your body is sending you.

Change your unconscious reality. Your mind can think “I am so good at hearing hunger.”

Feel good in your skin. Get really good at honoring hunger.

Learn to deal with your mind when it screams to use food for purposes other than a physical need for fuel.

Notice any resistance to words or phrases I use in the hypnotherapy. If it’s not your thing then you can let it go. But if there is something under the surface that would be beneficial for you to explore, go deeper.  Is there a block or a trigger there you can unravel with coaching, journaling, or tapping?

Hunger is beautiful and biological, not emotional. Connect into your amazing body and align with its signals.

Become open to the feelings you may have covered with food. Allow yourself to penetrate into your emotions. This work is spiritual and self affirming.

Feel the signals and validate your emotions. Allow all to bubble up. Notice them. Embrace them and respond appropriately with movement, writing or talking.

Action Steps for Session 3:

Listen to this week’s hypnotherapy a couple of times in the next 7 days. Try listening to at least 5 minutes before eating.

Listen to the hypnotherapies 3-4 times this week.

Listen to the hypnotherapies 5-7 times this week.

Report to your accountability group or on our private Facebook page to let everyone know how you are doing. 

Session #4:

Honor Your Satiation

Video #1: Pre-Hypnotherapy

Video #2: Falling in Love with Satisfaction Hypnotherapy (36 min)

Video #3: Closing After Hypnotherapy

Notes for Session #4

This session swallow the big frog of intuitive eating:

  1. paying attention to your how your body feels while you eat and
  2. honoring the cue of satiation.

Stopping at satisfaction is often the biggest challenge.

How do you stop at satiated? Stay conscious of your hunger levels while eating and make sure your brain does not feel deprived.

The desire to over consume often comes from deprivation and fear about missing out.

Give your brain more options, more choices, more freedom with what it consumes while choosing foods you enjoy that also work well in your body and in your brain.

Calm down the over desire for food with your breath, tapping, or listening to at least 5 minutes of this hypnotherapy while hearing, feeling, and relaxing the inner tantrum for food when you are no longer hungry.


Practice the skill of loving and connecting with your inner two year old instead of giving into an urge that won’t serve your body. You will become proficient over time.


Feel into the joy of eating to satiation and confidently dealing with any nigglings to overindulge.




Action Steps for Session 4:

Listen to this week’s hypnotherapy a couple of times this week. At least once listen to a portion of the hypnotherapy just before a meal. Notice the difference in your reaction to stopping at satiation.

Listen to the hypnotherapies 3-4 times this week. Try at last 2-3 before eating a meal.

Listen to the hypnotherapies 5-7 times this week with several before a meal to see if it makes a difference for you.

Report to your accountability group or on our private Facebook page to let everyone know how you are doing. 

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