The ABC’s of Accountability

ThinWithin Life™ has a unique way of exploring accountability. 

In this workshop, experience the transformative power of accountability when striving to achieve your desired health and body goals. Join us for an immersive monthly workshop where you’ll delve into our specific philosophy of accountability for sustainable weight loss success. 

A – representing Awareness: In this workshop you will explore your relationship with accountability and how and where you might want to make adjustments to shift your life patterns to enhance your weight loss results. 

B – stands for Behavior Change: Learn practical strategies that harness the power of accountability to transform both your mind and body. 

C – is about Consistency: Learn how to use accountability more consistently to support your health journey to serve as the driving force behind your progress. 

Let Marna be your guide as she unveils The ABCs of Accountability, empowering you to cultivate a lasting foundation for a healthier you.

Session #1:

Explore Your Relationship with Accountability

Notes for Session #1

Accountability around changing to a healthier habit can really move your health and mindset forward. With this week’s worksheet, Questions to Explore Your Relationship with Accountability discover your own relationship with accountability.

There are different types of accountability. Internal accountability is where you keep track and motivate yourself to achieve the goals you put out for you. External accountability is reaching out to others like a friend you ask to go walking with you or a support group where you might meet up or chat via text like Accountability Groups.

Who you are when it comes to accountability? 

Get to know yourself better.

Do you get triggered with accountability?

How can you tweak your experience to get the most out of it?

Choose a goal for this workshop. Just one goal so you can really concentrate on it. See what comes up over the course of the month.

Action Steps for Session 1:

Finish the Questions to Explore Your Relationship with Accountability worksheet and choose a goal (just one) for this month. Notice how you react to being accountable whether it is just to yourself or if you have shared the goal with others.

Do the novice level assignment from above. Notice how you react to triggers/setbacks this month. Figure out a way that they won’t affect your confidence and ability to keep moving forward.

Do the assignments above and add rewards to celebrate any achievements.

Report to your accountability group or on our private Facebook page to let everyone know how you are doing. 

Session #2:

Accountability: A is for Awareness

Notes for Session #2

The Merriam Webster defines accountability as: an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions.

Accountability is about deciding on a course of action or goal and creating a framework that holds you to account, ensuring you’re staying consistent in carrying out that action or working towards your goal.

This is key when it comes to taking control of your weight loss progress.

Cultivating a culture of accountability starts with a conscious decision to take ownership of your actions, your decisions, and their outcomes

Accountability is a commitment to growth and personal responsibility that can lead to increased success and satisfaction in all aspects of life.

To Account – you accept the consequences and rewards for the results you say you desire. It builds credibility and trust. This is particularly important if you are taking action in an area that was challenging in the past.

The ABC’s of Accountability – 
There are these three core components: 

A for Awareness. 

B for Behavior Change. 

C for Consistency.


Today we start with A.

Answer the questions in this document: Accountability and Awareness Worksheet

 Notice in particular:

  • Awareness of what is working
  • Awareness of what’s not working
  • Awareness of what you want
  • Awareness of what is getting in the way of what you want
  • Awareness of what next doable step will help you on the journey
  • Awareness of a realistic timetable to make this new action a reality

Action Steps for Session 2:

NOVICE LEVEL – If you are not ready to move on stay with
week 1 – Finish the Questions to Explore Your Relationship with Accountability worksheet and choose a goal (just one) for this month. Notice how you react to triggers/setbacks this month. Figure out a way that they won’t affect your confidence and ability to keep moving forward.

Continue with your work on the goal of your choice this month. If the goal you chose last week was too challenging, tweak it. Complete the Accountability and Awareness worksheet. Clarify any supportive steps you need.

Do the assignments above and decide on a way to keep yourself moving forward if results seem slow.

Report to your accountability group or on our private Facebook page to let everyone know how you are doing. 

Session #3:

Accountability: B for Behavior Change

Notes for Session #3

Boost your power to make changes.

This week’s focus is on B for Behavior Change and I will provide a new tool for making this shift that will allow your brain to get pleasure from your new healthier choice.


Few new habits provide instant rewards.


Showing up to the gym and lifting weights does not immediately provide a toned body. Eating with your hunger cues for a day or two will not show up in how your clothes fit.

How can you help your brain feel rewarded for the effort it takes to start something new?


Temptation bundling combines a pleasurable activity with a habit you are trying to change


Using this tool combats present bias by making behaviors with delayed benefits more instantly-gratifying.

A study on accountability was carried out by the Association for Talent Development. The researchers found that individuals have the following probabilities of completing a goal by taking these actions:

  • Having an idea or goal: 10% likely to complete the goal
  • Consciously deciding that you will do it: 25%
  • Deciding when you will do it: 40%
  • Planning how to do it: 50%
  • Committing to someone that you will do it: 65%
  • Having a specific accountability appointment with someone you’ve committed to: 95%

Delve further into this topic by answering the questions on this worksheet on Temptation Bundling.

Action Steps for Session 3:

NOVICE LEVEL – If you are not ready to move on stay with

week 1 –
Finish the Questions to Explore Your Relationship with Accountability worksheet and choose a goal (just one) for this month. Notice how you react to triggers/setbacks this month. Figure out a way that they won’t affect your confidence and ability to keep moving forward.

week 2 – Continue with your work on the goal of your choice this month. If the goal you chose last week was too challenging, tweak it. Complete the Accountability and Awareness worksheet. Clarify any supportive steps you need.

First, answer the questions in this worksheet on Temptation Bundling. Then, make a Temptation Bundle for your chosen accountability action step this month.

Do the assignment above for this month’s focus and for at least one more habit you want to transform for the future or as a stretch goal this week.

Report to your accountability group or on our private Facebook page to let everyone know how you are doing. 

Session #4:

Accountability: C for Consistency

Notes for Session #4

What is your relationship to consistency? Where have you had successes?

Want to get real good at being consistent?

Change your IDENTITY to a person who has these habits. Practice thinking of yourself this way.

Answer the questions on the Consistency worksheet to see how you can be stronger while stepping into your goal.

Action Steps for Session 4:

NOVICE LEVEL – If you are not ready to move on stay with

week 1 –
Finish the Questions to Explore Your Relationship with Accountability worksheet and choose a goal (just one) for this month. Notice how you react to triggers/setbacks this month. Figure out a way that they won’t affect your confidence and ability to keep moving forward.

week 2 – Continue with your work on the goal of your choice this month. If the goal you chose last week was too challenging, tweak it. Complete the Accountability and Awareness worksheet. Clarify any supportive steps you need.

week 3-
Answer the questions in this worksheet on Temptation Bundling. Then, make a Temptation Bundle for your chosen accountability action step this month.

Complete the questionnaire The C of Accountability – Consistency. Practice your new identity.

Do the assignment above for this month’s focus and decide how to make your interior and exterior accountability more productive for you.

Report to your accountability group or on our private Facebook page to let everyone know how you are doing. 

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