The 8 Weeks, 8 Pounds Down Advanced Challenge 2023

The last two months of the year are often the most challenging food-wise, but not for YOU!!! For the next 8 weeks, get ready to practice eating, thinking, and living naturally thin as you face the holiday season head-on!

Every day you decide how you want to show up. Over these eight weeks, you will practice advanced tools to unravel from the inside out, what it takes to slim down during the holiday season.

This is the perfect time to actively implement mental tools and powerful eating patterns so that you can face the holiday season as a slimmer naturally thin YOU!

Session #1:

Creating Your Bold Vision for the Holidays

Notes for Session #1

There are 8 weeks left of the year. Are feeling amazing this holiday season? Or are you struggling?

No matter where you are, you are going to love this work because it cuts to the core of your identity and builds your ThinWithin mindset from there.

After interviewing hundreds of naturally thin people, there are some common things that all shared with me:

Truly Naturally Thin People:

  1. Eat when they are hungry
  2. Stop eating when they are satisfied
  3. Stay mindful of their satiation levels while eating
  4. Are aware of the impact food is having on their bodies. – AND – if a food type doesn’t agree with them, they adjust, swap this food out with something that works better.

I noticed my thoughts and actions were different from the naturally thin in ways that were unconsciously programmed into my eating. Maybe you will recognize one or all of them in yourself:

Ways your actions might be different from the naturally thin:

  1. Overeat at meals or snack without being physically hungry. Consequently, the quantity of food is more than the body needs causing weight gain.
  2. Food and emotions are intertwined. So stress, boredom, discomfort, avoidance, not feeling safe, and so much more trigger one to turn to food. 
  3. The brain might love certain foods the body doesn’t digest well which can cause hormone surges, frustration, inflammation, and exhaustion.

When you start practicing eating in this naturally thin fashion by honoring your body, you might have a push back from your brain.

All of a sudden you are left with your emotions to feel…maybe for the first time in a while. Your mind may scream at you to override your body’s hunger and satiety cues since it has been conditioned to react in this way.

To learn how to eat like the naturally thin you must also learn how to manage your mind.

I will teach you to use powerful and well researched tools to see REAL and lasting results.

Over the next 8 weeks, I’m going to challenge you to address your emotional eating and overeating patterns that have been showing up in your life.

Open the Creating the Holiday and Health You Want this Season document. Create your success by considering the questions within.

Action Steps for Session 1:

Finish the holiday assessment in the pink box above. Then begin living as though you are at your ideal weight OR 8 pounds lighter than you are now, whichever excites you more.

Do the novice level assignment from above and reread your answers to the holiday assessment at least 3 times this week.

Do the assignments above and listen to at least three hypnotherapies or podcasts from Marna this week.

Report to your accountability group or on our private Facebook page to let everyone know how you are doing. 

Session #2:

Deepening Your Connection to Eating ONLY When You are Hungry

Notes for Session #2

ThinWithin Life eating begins with being able to hear your body’s hunger.

If you were to think of your last 3 days of meals, what percentage would you say you are at with eating only when you are hungry?

The naturally thin eat only when they are hungry around 93-97% of the time but you don’t have to be there to see great results.

Ideally, I want you eating only when you are hungry 80% or more of the time.



Eating When NOT Hungry

When you eat prior to feeling true body hunger:

1. You’re putting additional fuel into your gas tank when it already has enough.
2. Excess fuel will be stored as body fat means weight gain.


If you aren’t sure if you are hungry — then you aren’t truly hungry.


Two things you need to know about hunger

  1. True hunger is clear. If you aren’t sure if you are hungry then you aren’t.
  2. You can skip true hunger (for a little while). It circles back more intensely each time.


Benefits of Eating Only When You’re Hungry

When you play a game, there is a winner. Want to win at The Hunger Games? Listen to your body’s cues.

Here’s what you can expect when you tune in to the signals and tune out your opposing hesitations and fears:

  1. An increase in your enjoyment of meals
  2. Clarity on your satiation signal
  3. Knowledge that you are eating the amount your body needs
  4. And, of course, weight loss!!


Honestly, it can be a challenge to eat only when hungry. Especially if you have ignored your body’s signals for years. It could take some time to get back on track with hunger.

If this is new to you, work on hearing your body’s cues. Tracking Hunger with the form above will help you become aware of what is going on.

Are more advanced? Then use the tracker to deepen your understanding of what’s going on under the surface of your relationship with food.

Spend this week exploring why you might be eating for reasons other than hunger.

Some common reasons could be:
– Stress
– Procrastination

– Need to numb out
– Any number of emotions:
   grumpy, angry, frustrated, fearful, hurting, irritable, or even happy
– Or maybe it’s just a habit

Dig into the thoughts you are thinking as you desire to eat without hunger.

The best way for you to support your mind this week is to check into your body first before grabbing food. Understand if your body is in fact hungry or just WANTS food.

If HUNGRY – ask “What level of hunger am I at?”
Record before eating.

If NOT hungry – ask “Am I open to waiting until I am hungry to eat?” 
and “What is the wanting about if I am not hungry?”

Wait if you are willing but immediately do something to distract yourself from the desire.

Otherwise, eat but be sure you are seated and paying attention. See if you can negotiate eating something healthier if your brain really wants to eat. And, without judgment, record the behavior on the Tracker so you can find patterns.

Action Steps for Session 2:

Week 1 – Stay in the first assignment if it what feels best to you this week. Finish the holiday assessment from Session 1. Practice living as though you are at your ideal weight OR 8 pounds lighter than you are now, whichever excites you more.

Track your hunger to promote awareness to figure out what is going on 1 – 3 days this week with the form above. Continue practicing BEING at your ideal weight in your mind and rereading your answers to Creating the Holiday and Health You Want This Season from session #1.

Do the assignments above at least 4 days this week and listen to the hypnotherapy on Love Eating Only When Hungry.

Report to your accountability group or on our private Facebook page to let everyone know how you are doing. 

Session #3:

Finding the Satiation Point of a Meal

Visualization for Thanksgiving (or other holiday)

Notes for Session #3

Take a moment to reflect:

  1. How was your experience with hunger last week? 
  2. What did you notice about your relationship with hunger? 
  3. Did you find out anything interesting about your relationship with tracking?


This week is Thanksgiving week for those of us in the United States. Some of you have plans and some of you don’t. Practicing before the get together will help. 


Before any social shindig – big or small – use the power of visualization to support yourself to BE your ThinWithin Self throughout the event.


YOU CAN DO IT Visualization
~~~Visualize yourself connected to your body. 


See yourself respond to your hunger and satiation cues with ease and grace.


Feel deep gratitude for all that you have and all those you love. Be grateful for the body you are in right now even as you are in the process of becoming healthier. 


In your mind’s eye, see yourself easily floating through the day


  • honoring your body
  • listening to it
  • feeling connected to it
  • wanting to fulfill its needs
  • in gratitude for how it gets you around in this world


In your mind’s eye acknowledge how pretty you are. See yourself wearing an outfit that looks lovely on you.

See yourself giving thanks, love, and gratitude to your body. End with a genuine hug full of admiration for yourself. ~~~


This week step in closer to your body’s needs and explore stopping when satisfied.


Explore satisfaction and their levels with this Levels of Satisfaction Visual. Then, discover where you are with satiation by tracking some of your meals this week with this Tracking Satisfaction worksheet.


NEW Tool! – If you want to keep eating, imagine yourself, an angel, or someone you admire, telling you it’s okay. Allow this being to calm and lovingly relax you by giving you a giant hug filled with love and support.

Hear the following whispered in your ear:

“It’s okay to desire more food”

“You have got this”

“I believe in you” 

“Let’s just have two more delicious bites and then put the food away, toss it out, or wrap it up” 


Decide to be someone this week who is connected to your signals, someone who honors your body’s needs.


Practice visualizing. Fall in love with these signals. Start feeling like you are absolutely amazing at listening to these signals.


When you want to overeat, imagine giving yourself a giant hug.

Action Steps for Session 3:

Stay in the first assignment if it what feels best to you this week.

Week 1 –  Finish the holiday assessment from Session 1. Practice living as though you are at your ideal weight OR 8 pounds lighter than you are now, whichever excites you more.

Week 2 – Track your hunger to promote awareness to figure out what is going on 1- 3 days this week with the form above. Continue practicing BEING at your ideal weight in your mind and rereading your answers to Creating the Holiday and Health You Want This Season from session #1.

First, DECIDE to be someone who is connected with your body’s cues around hunger. Then, 1 – 3 days this week track your satisfaction to promote awareness. If you experience any desire to eat past satiation or to eat without hunger during the day, stop and take a few minutes to imagine a loving, supportive, “you’ve got this” hug from a person you care about, an angel, or yourself. Soak in the love. Notice how you react to the over-desire to eat afterwards.

Do the assignments above at least 4 days this week. BE the person you want to be around food. Practice receiving the imaginary hug throughout the day. Fall in love with your body’s signals. To assist you, listen to the Falling in Love with Satisfaction hypnotherapy.

Report to your accountability group or on our private Facebook page to let everyone know how you are doing. 

Session #4:

Identifying the Root of Your Triggers

Notes for Session #4

A moment to reflect on session #3:

  1. How was your experience with satiation last week? 
  2. What did you notice about your relationship with stopping at a level 5? 
  3. Did you find out anything interesting about your relationship with satisfaction?

A little progress over these 8 weeks in the realm of listening to your body’s cues will be enough over time to really move you forward toward your goals.

Not perfection! Progress is all you need. Progress will transform your relationship with food.

In this session, open up to noticing what triggers you to eat. It has nothing to do with your hunger.

Explore your triggers. What is prompting you to eat outside of your hunger?

Use this chart to holistically discover what is going on inside of you. What is the base of the iceberg that follows this pattern of eating without hunger. By flushing the issues out, you can adjust your actions and find new ways to deal with the events that personally provoke you toe experience an over-desire to eat.

You are not broken! You simply have patterns around food. Acknowledging them allows these habits to be seen so you can choose more consciously next time.

Share. Get it out on to paper or with an Accountability Group. Notice the patterns and declare what you want instead.


Action Steps for Session 4:

Stay in the first assignment if it what feels best to you this week.

Week 1 –  Finish the holiday assessment from Session 1. Practice living as though you are at your ideal weight OR 8 pounds lighter than you are now, whichever excites you more.

Week 2 – Track your hunger to promote awareness to figure out what is going on 1- 3 days this week with the form above. Continue practicing BEING at your ideal weight in your mind and rereading your answers to Creating the Holiday and Health You Want This Season from session #1.

Week 3 – DECIDE to be someone who is connected with your body’s cues around hunger. This week track your satisfaction to promote awareness. If you experience any desire to eat past satiation, stop and take a few minutes to imagine a loving, supportive, “you’ve got this” hug from a person you care about.

Fill out the Root Programming Of Your Triggers to Eat worksheet whenever you notice an over-desire to eat. Observe what happens after filling out the sheet. So you still want to eat without being hungry?

Do the assignment above. Listen to the Falling in Love with Satisfaction or Love Eating Only When Hungry hypnotherapy.

To process your experiences with triggering, report to your accountability group or on our private Facebook page.

Session #5:

Dealing with Social Eating Triggers

Notes for Session #5

If you peel back the layers, you can find that food offers protection. It can be something to do with our hands. Eating might soothe uncomfortable feelings…at least temporarily. Food provides a distraction and other benefits. All of this knowing happens subconsciously.

When you aren’t aware of the beliefs driving self-sabotage around food, you remain stuck in the cycle of feeling uncomfortable, craving some level of comfort or nurturing, overeating, then feeling frustrated with yourself. Most of my clients over the years have discovered some form of this cycle running in the background. Not always conscious but clearly running the show.

This is why it’s important to become aware of what’s occurring in your mind and body. 

In this session, I invite you to become more conscious in social situations and give you several tools to succeed.

Stress can impact overeating behaviors, mainly through its effect on hormone release. The hormone cortisol, known as the “stress hormone,” is released when you are under stress. This hormone has been linked to increased appetite and a preference for comfort foods.   

Stress influences your hormone insulin, which regulates blood sugar levels. 

When cortisol levels rise, they can contribute to insulin resistance, a condition where the body’s cells don’t respond effectively to insulin. As a result, individuals might feel hungrier and crave foods high in carbohydrates and sugar. Tehy may experience a false hunger and reduced fullness.

This hormonal imbalance can heighten potentially triggering overeating.

Finding ways to relax your body – using your breath is my favorite way to deal with anxiety.

Got stress? My prescription is – Breathe. In through your nose. Out through your mouth. Tell yourself you’ve got this. You are powerful and amazing. You most definitely can do this.   

Tips and Tricks for Navegating Social Eating – 

  1. Plan Ahead: If you know you’ll be attending a social event where food will be involved, plan accordingly. Have a small snack before you go, so you’re not ravenous when you arrive.
  2. Mindful Eating: Practice mindful eating by paying attention to your body’s cues. Take your time to chew your food slowly and savor each bite. This can help you recognize when you’re satisfied, rather than mindlessly eating.
  3. Focus on Conversation: Engage in conversations and activities that aren’t centered solely around food. This can help shift the focus away from eating and reduce the temptation to overindulge. Prepare yourself in advance mentally for connecting with people if that helps you.
  4. Practice Assertiveness: Don’t feel pressured to eat more than you want or something that doesn’t align with your preferences. Politely decline or take a smaller portion if you’re comfortable doing so.
  5. Choose Wisely: Survey the food options available and make choices that align with your hunger cues and preferences. Opt for a mix of options that feel best in your body.
  6. Have a Support System: If possible, share your intentions with your accountability group or on Facebook letting us know how you’re going to handle any social situations so we can support and understand your goals. 
  7. Practice Self-Compassion: If you find yourself eating more than you intended in a social setting, be compassionate with yourself. Acknowledge that it happens and focus on your progress rather than any perceived setbacks.
  8. Reflect and Learn: After social events, take a moment to reflect on how you felt during and after eating. Use this self-reflection as a learning experience for future situations.
  9. Practice Feeling Powerful by Saying NO, THANK YOU: In your ThinWithin Life, you will want to easily say “No thank you” whenever you are no longer hungry. Practice the “No. I am not hungry.” in your mind so you are prepared to say it in real situations.


Action Steps for Session 5:

Stay in the first assignment if it what feels best to you this week:

Week 1 –  Finish the holiday assessment from Session 1. Practice living as though you are at your ideal weight OR 8 pounds lighter than you are now, whichever excites you more.

Week 2 – Track your hunger to promote awareness to figure out what is going on 1- 3 days this week with the form above. Continue practicing BEING at your ideal weight in your mind and rereading your answers to Creating the Holiday and Health You Want This Season from session #1.

Week 3 – DECIDE to be someone who is connected with your body’s cues around hunger. This week track your satisfaction to promote awareness. If you experience any desire to eat past satiation, stop and take a few minutes to imagine a loving, supportive, “you’ve got this” hug from a person you care about.

Week 4 -Fill out the Root Programming Of Your Triggers to Eat worksheet whenever you notice an over-desire to eat. Observe what happens after filling out the sheet. So you still want to eat without being hungry?


As you head into the end of the year, make sure you have foods that support your health ready at home. Whether or not you  attend a social event this week, practice. Imagine yourself on the way to your next social engagement preparing and successfully connecting at the event with the 9 steps in the notes above. 


Do the assignment above. In addition, choose one other topic from the last 4 weeks to focus on this week. Listen to the Falling in Love with Satisfaction or Love Eating Only When Hungry hypnotherapy.

To process your 8/8 experiences, report to your accountability group or on our private Facebook page.

Session #6:

Change Your Life One Sentence at a Time

Notes for Session #6

You change your life one sentence at a time – which means that in order to change your weight, you have to change your sentences BECAUSE your thoughts…which are sentences…create your feelings, which in turn create your ACTIONS. 

When you change your thoughts, you change your actions – 100%. 

So many of you believe you are not good at losing weight. Friday in our Support Group Mastermind breakout session, I created a VERY different breakout session that was unlike any before by starting from the assumption that you are already successful and amazing. 

Pull out of the cycle of thoughts that aren’t helpful by creating a wave of new sentences that will shift you into your ThinWithin Life.


First, take some time brainstorm these sentences you will want to get used to thinking. You will need a piece of paper to capture this work.

What do you want to think about yourself when you no longer have a weight issue?

Spend the next 3 minutes writing out what notions about yourself and your sleek body would be circulating in your mind if you were to no longer think of yourself having a weight issue. If you were to think that maintaining the weight you want to weigh is easy and effortless.

  1. What thoughts would you think about yourself if keeping this healthy weight were natural and easy?
  2. What do you notice that’s different from how you’re speaking to yourself now?
  3. How many of these thoughts are you telling yourself currently?

Intentionally use the thoughts you want to think and you will become the ThinWithin person you are living into.

This is the journey: 

  • Eat foods that work well for your body but only when you are hungry. 
  • Stop when satisfied. 
  • Flood your head with the sentences you want to instinctively think about yourself.


Action Steps for Session 6:

Stay in the first assignment if it what feels best to you this week:

Week 1 –  Finish the holiday assessment from Session 1. Practice living as though you are at your ideal weight OR 8 pounds lighter than you are now, whichever excites you more.

Week 2 – Track your hunger to promote awareness to figure out what is going on 1- 3 days this week with the form above. Continue practicing BEING at your ideal weight in your mind and rereading your answers to Creating the Holiday and Health You Want This Season from session #1.

Week 3 – DECIDE to be someone who is connected with your body’s cues around hunger. This week track your satisfaction to promote awareness. If you experience any desire to eat past satiation, stop and take a few minutes to imagine a loving, supportive, “you’ve got this” hug from a person you care about.

Week 4 -Fill out the Root Programming Of Your Triggers to Eat worksheet whenever you notice an over-desire to eat. Observe what happens after filling out the sheet. So you still want to eat without being hungry?

Week 5 – As you head into the end of the year, make sure you have foods that support your health ready at home. Whether or not you  attend a social event this week, practice. Imagine yourself on the way to your next social engagement preparing and successfully connecting at the event with the 9 steps in the notes for week 5. 

Answer the questions in today’s notes above. Build yourself up by practicing the thoughts you want to think when your weight is no longer an issue. Connect the practice to another action you do daily like before eating a meal or while brushing your teeth. Repeat the thought at least once a day. 

Do the assignment above. In addition, fill out the ThinWithin Life™ Main Tracker Form at least 3 times this week. 

To process your 8/8 experiences, report to your accountability group or on our private Facebook page.

Session #7:

Tools to Avoid Overeating This Holiday

Grounding during the Busyness of the Holidays ~ 2 mins

Notes for Session #7

These next weeks ahead might give you many opportunities to use all of the amazing tools that you have in your toolbox to get in front of overeating, feelings of discomfort – and triggers. In this session I will help you deal with holiday stress by focusing on strategies and tools.

My top two tools are:

#1 – Stay Hydrated

#2 – Find a way to ground and calm yourself 

Honestly, the holidays give you the perfect time to practice facing and moving through uncomfortable urges. If you get in front of some of these urges but not all, celebrate the victories and forgive the mistakes. There is so much to learn from them for your longterm success if you let go of guilt or blame. 


Other tools to consider:


# 3 – Celebrate the victories and forgive the mistakes


Feel into hunger and revel in your power as you hear your voice saying “No thank you”  over the next weeks or “This looks amazing, when I’m hungry I’d love to have some.” 

#4 – Say no. Practice it in advance if you need to.

#5 – Draw a line in the sand…  “I’ll only consider having food if I am hungry.”


Now about those challenging urges… When it comes to urges and triggers you can  – 

#6 – Resist. Avoid. Or Allow/Process the deep urges 


Holidays parties aren’t often a good time to process, so downshift in to avoiding triggering food by your location or by concentration on socializing or helping the host instead.


During this time of year, depending on where you are in this journey, you may enjoy seeing your triggers as a fun challenge.  Invite them in. “Bring it on, I’m willing to go through this emotion or learn to quickly resist it or avoid it. 

You know that there aren’t any emotions that you can’t handle, right?


This week, for those of you who are tracking, lovingly see where you find big holes in your eating and/or relationship with food.



Tools to Support You When You Desire to Overeat:

Mindful Eating Practices:

  • Sensory Awareness: Pay attention to the sensory experience of eating. Notice colors, textures, flavors, and smells of food. By engaging all senses, you derive more satisfaction from smaller portions.
    Eliminating Distractions: Eat without distractions like screens or work. Being fully present during meals. You will connect with your food and realize more easily when you’re satisfied.

Address Emotional Triggers:

  • Emotional Awareness: Help identify your emotional triggers for overeating. Recognize patterns and understand the emotions driving those behaviors.
  • Alternative Coping Mechanisms: Find healthier coping mechanisms than eating. Try journaling, practicing relaxation techniques, or engaging in hobbies. Seeking professional therapy to address emotional triggers if they become to challenging to handle alone.
  • Stress Management: Utilize stress-reduction techniques daily if possible like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises. Managing stress effectively especially in triggering times like the holidays can significantly reduce emotional eating.

Nutrition and Planning:

  • Balanced Meals and Preparation: Plan out foods that support you. Shop and prep so they are in your fridge when you need them. Balance your meals for better energy. Be sure to include protein, healthy fats, fiber (hello vegetables) and some complex carbohydrates.
  • Understanding Cravings: Physical hunger is not the same as cravings. Hunger can be satisfied by many healthy foods. Understanding the root cause of cravings helps in making healthier choices and managing them effectively.
  • Flexible Eating: Have a flexible approach to eating. Allow occasional indulgences while maintaining an overall balanced diet.

Regular Physical Activity:

  • Finding Enjoyable Activities: Explore various forms of physical activity to find what you enjoy. This could be anything from team sports to solo activities like hiking or dancing.
  • Consistency and Routine: Consistency in physical activity is the most important. Creating a routine helps in making exercise a habit and reduces the likelihood of falling back into sedentary patterns.
  • Stress Reduction: In addition to burning some calories and helping your mobility,  physical activity reduces stress and boosts mood, which in turn can reduce the inclination towards emotional eating.

Support Systems and Accountability:

  • Support Networks: Seek out support groups, friends, or family members who can provide encouragement and understanding. Supportive environments can offer guidance and motivation.
  • Accountability Partners: Having someone to share progress, challenges, and successes with can increase accountability and motivation. It could be with an official group in ThinWithin Life or a friend, family member, or a mentor invested in the journey to healthier eating habits.

Action Steps for Session 7:

Stay in the first assignment if it what feels best to you this week:

Week 1 –  Finish the holiday assessment from Session 1. Practice living as though you are at your ideal weight OR 8 pounds lighter than you are now, whichever excites you more.

Week 2 – Track your hunger to promote awareness to figure out what is going on 1- 3 days this week with the form above. Continue practicing BEING at your ideal weight in your mind and rereading your answers to Creating the Holiday and Health You Want This Season from session #1.

Week 3 – DECIDE to be someone who is connected with your body’s cues around hunger. This week track your satisfaction to promote awareness. If you experience any desire to eat past satiation, stop and take a few minutes to imagine a loving, supportive, “you’ve got this” hug from a person you care about.

Week 4 -Fill out the Root Programming Of Your Triggers to Eat worksheet whenever you notice an over-desire to eat. Observe what happens after filling out the sheet. So you still want to eat without being hungry?

Week 5 – As you head into the end of the year, make sure you have foods that support your health ready at home. Whether or not you  attend a social event this week, practice. Imagine yourself on the way to your next social engagement preparing and successfully connecting at the event with the 9 steps in the notes for week 5. 

Week 6 – Build yourself up by practicing the thoughts you want to think when your weight is no longer an issue based on the notes in week 6. Connect the practice to another action you do daily like before eating a meal or while brushing your teeth. Repeat the thought at least once a day. 

While listening to this workshop, choose at least 2 tools that resonate with you. Practice them this week.

Do the assignment above. In addition this week, listen to the Easily Handle Triggers and Cravings Hypnotherapy ~25 mins or any other that speaks to you under RESOURCES: Forms & Hypnotherapies.

To process your 8/8 experiences, report to your accountability group or on our private Facebook page.

Session #8:

Reflection on This Year

Notes for Session #8

Are you open to investing in yourself? The end of the year is a great time to look at what is working and what is not working in your life, especially around your ThinWithin Life journey. Take some time to reflect on the work you have done this year by answering these questions: 

#1 What have you tried to do to support your health and your body this past year on your ThinWithin Life journey?

List everything you can think of. No need to overthink it.

Need some suggestions? Maybe you have improved through…

  • your self talk with kinder words?
  • movement
  • staying in the conversation by showing up to ThinWithin Life sessions or listening to recordings in the podcast, website, or wrap up emails?
  • an Accountability Group or partner?
  • honoring your hunger?
  • noticing satiation cues?
  • working on the Mastery Course?
  • trying or continuing supplements?
  • working on improving your digestion?
  • slowing down?
  • hydration?
  • positive body talk?
  • cutting alcohol consumption by doing one glass of water in between each drink?
  • loving your body as it is right now?

Rate how helpful each was.

1 – not helpful,

2 – sort of helpful,

3 – very helpful

Which are you going to continue?
Make choices on whether you want to continue with these. You could adjust the actions that were 2s to make them more useful. 

What is the most crucial to bring into the next year?

Choose 3 actions to bring into the new year. Sometimes the 1s and 2s can be reimagined to make them into something really useful.

Celebrate all you attempted!

Give yourself a pat on the back. Look at how much you have done to tackle your health and weight goals! 

#2 What are some lessons you learned about yourself and your body as you put effort into slimming down?

What have you learned?

There is so much courage, determination, and wisdom in the tribe.

Courage to change and adjust.

Life is not always easy or fun. How do you be the person you want to be in the journey of life? Where can you find the tenacity and strength necessary to make such deep changes?

So much has to happen mentally to make us the size we want. It’s not just about the food.

#3 What is the biggest lesson you learned this year?

Stand in awe of yourself.

#4 What are three tools or lessons you want to bring into this coming year?

Refer to the list you already created above. Don’t overwhelm yourself with choosing too many. An overwhelmed mind will shut down. Decide on three to focus on.

#5 What 3 habits or behaviors do you want to leave behind?

Need suggestions? Maybe it’s…

  • Overeating.
  • Seeing myself as big.
  • Constantly second guessing myself.
  • Diets and the diet mindset.
  • Judging myself.
  • Perfectionism.

#6 – What would you have to think about yourself to accomplish your goals?

Use descriptive words that make you smile. What feels fun to think about yourself? What do you WANT to feel?

  • I’m a badass, skinny chic.
  • I’m a sexy, confident woman.
  • My shape is freaking awesome.
  • I look amazing now!

#7 – What is one consistent action you can take this week that supports you in being the person you want to be?

Something that challenges and excites you. Something you are absolutely willing to do.  Something simple.

Think about this idea to help you:

How can you come from a place of love, joy, and play when creating and considering your ThinWithin Life?

Action Steps for Session 8:

Stay in the first assignment if it what feels best to you this week:

Week 1 –  Finish the holiday assessment from Session 1. Practice living as though you are at your ideal weight OR 8 pounds lighter than you are now, whichever excites you more.

Week 2 – Track your hunger to promote awareness to figure out what is going on 1- 3 days this week with the form above. Continue practicing BEING at your ideal weight in your mind and rereading your answers to Creating the Holiday and Health You Want This Season from session #1.

Week 3 – DECIDE to be someone who is connected with your body’s cues around hunger. This week track your satisfaction to promote awareness. If you experience any desire to eat past satiation, stop and take a few minutes to imagine a loving, supportive, “you’ve got this” hug from a person you care about.

Week 4 -Fill out the Root Programming Of Your Triggers to Eat worksheet whenever you notice an over-desire to eat. Observe what happens after filling out the sheet. So you still want to eat without being hungry?

Week 5 – As you head into the end of the year, make sure you have foods that support your health ready at home. Whether or not you  attend a social event this week, practice. Imagine yourself on the way to your next social engagement preparing and successfully connecting at the event with the 9 steps in the notes for week 5. 

Week 6 – Build yourself up by practicing the thoughts you want to think when your weight is no longer an issue based on the notes in week 6. Connect the practice to another action you do daily like before eating a meal or while brushing your teeth. Repeat the thought at least once a day. 

Week 7 – Listen to week 7’s workshop and choose at least 2 tools that resonate with you. Practice them this week.


Answer the reflection questions above and reread your answers at least once this week to remind yourself to celebrate your efforts and clarify what you want to bring with you into the next year. Complete the action you declared would help you in question #7


Do the assignment above. Reread your answers 3-5 days this week. Celebrate your efforts!

To process your 8/8 experiences, report to your accountability group or on our private Facebook page.

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