Tapping with Kate ~ the Emotional Freedom Technique

The Emotional Freedom Technique has been around since the 1970s.  This kinesthetic modality, commonly called EFT or Psychological Acupressure, assists in shaking us out of our common habits through tapping on acupressure points.

In each Emotional Freedom Technique class, Kate describes Tapping, demonstrates all points, and works through at least one set based on common habits most people can relate to.


How to Tap

I go on autopilot while eating~ 8 mins

I am not perfect yet ~ 11 mins

I am kinder to myself & enjoying life more ~ 6 mins

Overwhelmed by time management ~ 13 mins

Something bad is going to happen ~ 16 mins

I feel fat ~ 23 mins

There’s not enough time for me ~ 17 mins

I don’t feel like I am good enough ~ 32 mins

I am a badass, skinny chick ~ 12 mins

I look awful ~ 12 mins

I have to eat when everyone else is eating ~12 mins

I use food to calm me down in social situations ~ 23 mins

I zone out while eating when surrounded by food and people ~17 mins

I need to clean my plate ~ 10 mins

I am not safe being thin ~16 mins

I get frustrated waiting to be hungry ~14 mins

I rebel against movement ~11 mins

I want more, more, more food ~23 mins

I feel others judging me so why try? ~ 13 mins

I feel not worthy of good things at this weight ~ 33 mins

I hate the lumpy misshapen fat around my middle ~29 mins

I eat to a 6-7 at dinner time ~11 mins

Feeling undesirable makes me want to quit - 38 mins

I am craving this food but I want peace - 7 mins

Unexpected things trigger me to eat - 28 mins

I am stuck in this quicksand/plateau - 35 mins

I don't deserve to change my relationship with food
- 23 mins

I eat when I am not hungry and feel disgusted
- 24 mins

I screwed up (and ate) - 7 mins

I eat when not hungry (recalling uncomfortable childhood conversations in the kitchen) - 24 mins

"It's hard" spiraling to eating - 22 mins

I eat when I feel lonely - 12 mins

At night, I eat after satisfaction - 21 mins

5 mins - IF I want to eat after dinner, THEN I will ask if I'd rather just read or color and feel proud the next day

I'm deathly afraid of certain emotions and I often eat to avoid them - 16 mins

I don’t ask for support and go to food instead
- 24 mins

I need to be working all the time and I use food to help with the stress - 17 mins

I am not stopping when full - 14 mins

I'm afraid to be attractive because I might be attacked
- 41 mins

I'm afraid I am not going to eat enough - 22 mins

I hate the way this body part looks - 16 mins

Losing weight is hard - 17 mins

When things get good, I self-sabotage - 23 mins

I don’t know why I eat - 21 mins

I need food when stressed - 16 mins

Numbing my feelings with food - 28 mins

Eating to be safe - 15 mins

Overeating at parties - 23 mins

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