Stop Late-Night Eating Accountability Bootcamp

Ready to tackle late-night eating?

During the month of April, challenge yourself as a ThinWithinLife member, to spend the month developing better evening habits that will carry you far beyond 30 days. Get ready to practice tips and tools to help you stop eating at night and discover a whole new routine for your life to support you in the evenings.

If late-night eating isn’t a problem for you, then I challenge you to use these 30 days to start or stop a new behavior like eating only when satisfied, feeling your feelings instead of eating through them, or stopping overeating and spend the month of April focused on stopping when satisfied.

Get Ready for Session #1:

Session #1:

What Are Your Challenge Points?

Visualization - Meeting Your Challenge Points Easily and Effortlessly, 5 min

Notes for Session #1

This month we are digging into tools that will transform your late nights or any other area you choose if late-night eating is not an issue for you.


After decades of research, Dr. Gabriele Oettingen, a psychology professor at NYU, found that visualizing the decision-making process allows people to execute the correct choices in real life—leading them to the ultimate goal.


Your focus should be on visualizing the actions you will take to make your desired goal a reality. Visualize the path that will lead you there and the steps you need to take along that path.


Open the Visualizing Moving Through Challenge Points document in the pink box above and follow along to make a difference in this one area of your relationship with food in these 30 days.


Action Steps for Session 1:

Finish the Visualizing Moving Through Challenge Points worksheet where you will choose your Challenge Point to work on. Listen to the visualization 2 times this week to practice the situation before it happens.

Do the novice-level assignment from above and practice 3-4 times this week.

Do the novice-level assignment from above and practice 4-5 times this week.

Report to your accountability group or on our private Facebook’s Friday Check-In post to let everyone know how you did. If you aren’t on Facebook or an Accountability Group, email Kate.

Uplevel with listening to an extra podcast or session.

Session #2:

Are You Relaxing and Unwinding at Night?

Notes for Session #2

This month dig into tools that will transform your late nights or any other area you choose if late-night eating is not an issue for you.

Are you taking to transform or are you amped up and staying stimulated all through the evening?

Are you ever giving your nervous system a chance to relax and unwind?

One of the most important aspects of this bootcamp to stop late-night eating is to develop new routines in the evening. Is being connected to technology making you nervous when you are already overstimulated from the day

One helpful and super simple tool to help support your vagus nerve if you are feeling anxious in the evening and you want food is to simply just say – Voooooooooooo

Intentionally Relaxing and Unwinding at Night:

  • Step #1: Be intentional 
  • Step #2: Breathe in and out
  • Step #3: Release physical tension. 
  • Optional Step #4. Visualize your calm.

Action Steps for Session 2:

Invest some time in the Visualize Moving Through the Challenge Points worksheet where you will choose your Challenge Point to work on.  If you struggle with finding time to relax, spend a little time using the A Tool to Intentionally Relax and Unwinding at Night relaxing tool to help you when/if you find yourself wanting to eat in the evening.

Use the Visualize Moving Through the Challenge Points worksheet if you find yourself having evening challenges, otherwise find time to intentionally relax and unwind at night for15 minutes 3-4 times this week.

Use the Visualize Moving Through the Challenge Points worksheet if you find yourself having evening challenges, otherwise find time to intentionally relax and unwind at night for15 minutes 5-6 times this week.

Report to your accountability group or on our private Facebook’s Friday Check-In post to let everyone know how your week went and to hold yourself accountable. If you aren’t on Facebook or an Accountability Group, email Kate.

Up-level by relaxing for an extra 15-30 minutes!

Session #3:

Assessment and Envisioning the Future of Late Nights

Notes for Session #3

Today, do an assessment so you understand where you are now and want to focus.

First, we will look at what you are proud of. Answer this question. Be specific:


  1. What are you doing awesome this year regarding your health? List everything you are doing to help. Then, circle the ones that have helped you to lose weight
  1. What have you learned about yourself that will help you to continue to lose weight and become healthier this year? This is very important to have written down to refer to as you go through the year.

  2. Do you have a practice of visualizing yourself engaging in these actions successfully to help your mind and actions follow suit?
  1. What could you put into place today and into this week to keep moving forward that feels authentic, loving, and simple?  

Acknowledge your progress but don’t let off the gas.

Plateaus are normal. Push ahead by recognizing what you have done and when you are going. Continue the relaxation and commit to continuing the health improvements. 

Clarify and keep taking the actions you need to keep doing to see the weight loss.

Action Steps for Session 3:


Complete the assessment in this workshop. Commit to the actions you notice will make a difference. Continue with the resistance and relaxation tools included in the Novice Level.

Do the assignments above. Lean into the action you are willing to work on from the assessment you took in today’s workshop. Up-level by relaxing for an extra 15-30 minutes. It will be a gift to your evening!

Report to your accountability group or on our private Facebook’s Friday Check-In post to let everyone know how your week went and to hold yourself accountable. If you aren’t on Facebook or an Accountability Group, email Kate.

Session #4:

Create an Intentional Evening

Notes for Session #4

Shift your habits so you don’t wake up in the morning feeling icky after eating without hunger.

Today I introduce one of my best tools to become intentional. It’s a tangible daily ~5 minute method for you to do the work necessary to change your evenings.

This daily writing is how I keep focused on my goals daily.  

Ride the late-night roller coaster with the powerful seatbelt of being present with your intentions. 

This writing activity done for just a few minutes in the morning directs your brain, helping it stay with your goals on purpose.

Don’t write a million things as goals.

Focus on one behavior or thought a day or even for the week/month.

I don’t want you to wish or hope you are successful somehow. I want you to know you are making a positive difference in one thing that is important for you this month. The one thing that is DO-ABLE and that you are excited or at least willing to do to change your late-night habits.

Make it happen.

You can do this. It takes some redirecting and deciding to do something different but it can become a habit.

String together the days of a habit that will take you toward what you want to create in your life.

It’s not about time. It’s about INTENTION. Make it easy for you to move toward the goal with this link: Morning Ritual Writing- Journaling for Intentional Weight Loss ~5 minutes 

What does your body actually need? If you aren’t hungry…it’s not food. Be an advocate for yourself to be successful to meet your goal.

Plan for it.

BE INTENTIONAL instead of letting life whisk you away.

Action Steps for Session 4:



Print out 3-4 Morning Ritual Writing- Journaling for Intentional Weight Loss. Write out at least the morning part this week. Notice if the writing helped you shift or focus your energy.

Do the assignments above 5-7 days this week. Take the time to do the pm reflections too. Notice the results.

Report to your accountability group or on our private Facebook’s Friday Check-In post to let everyone know how your week went and to hold yourself accountable. If you aren’t on Facebook or an Accountability Group, email Kate.

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