Module 3: Session 1

Foods That Work Best In Your Body and Mastering Conscious Eating

Video #1 - Welcome to Module 3

Video #2 - Discovering What To Eat

Video #3 - Food Swaps

Video #4 - Figuring Out Which Foods Work Best In Your Body

Focus Work – Module 3, Session 1

1. Practice eating your meals when you FEEL hungry and stop when your body is no longer hungry.

2. Notice how the foods in your body feel. You should end a meal with energy, not bogged down, tired, lethargic, swollen, having stomach pains, mental confusion, rashes, overly gassy or burping. 

If any of those symptoms happen on a regard basis, I encourage you to swap out the culprits for other foods that might work better for you and ease any inflammation that you might be experiencing. 

3. Take time to fill out the form to see which foods work in your body and which don’t work so well, and then find swaps and assess how these new swaps work. 

It may take some time for you to find food swaps that work for you. Don’t give up. Be solution minded in finding the tastes and textures that work best for your body that taste good as well.