Let Go of Weight Loss Being HARD and Bring Back a Life You Love Workshop:

Does losing weight feel like it runs your life? The constant “I have to lose weight” running on autopilot in your mind day after day, year after year?

In this workshop, you are going to have the opportunity to revitalize and redesign the LIFE YOU want FIRST and watch as your health and weight become the natural and inevitable byproduct of you having the life you want. You will love spending time inside of this workshop dreaming and reimagining what you are capable of from pure unstoppable possibility. From there you will find your health and weight loss automatically falling into place from your inspired new life. 

Session #1:

What Lights Up Your Life

Notes for Session #1

The more joy you bring to your life, the less you are apt to eat for emotional reasons when you are committed to hunger and satisfaction.


Weight loss without emotions is quite easy


In order to weigh a healthy weight:

  1. Eat foods that work best in your system

For most of you, this includes whole real foods that have high water and fiber content like veggies and fruits because they are loaded with natural vitamins and nutrients to make your brain and body work at their best level.


  1. In meals, include lean proteins and fats that work best in your system 

They will satiate you, preserve your muscles, and help your brain function optimally.


  1. Eat them in smaller amounts and only up to satiation

At a meal, eating about a fist full of food (when the water is removed) helps you digest your food well, keep your energy high, and progress through the day in a fantastic way. 


In order to support a healthy weight, sculpt your body, and lose fat:

To tighten and tone muscles under the fat:

Include weight-bearing movement you love a few times a week.


To improve your cardio function: 

Do cardio workouts you enjoy a few times a week or get 10,000 steps in a day with a 30-minute walk.



You already know how to eat healthy, right?


What gets in the way is the mind.


Your mind is the ONLY thing that gets in the way of losing weight PERIOD!!




It’s been programmed…by you…to attach fun and pleasure to food.


I don’t want to take away food being pleasurable when your body is hungry, I just want to make sure it’s not the main pleasure in your life because you deserve to have more joy in your life… 


Is food your go-to joy in your life? You deserve more!


Making life more enjoyable and fun is precisely the focus of this workshop.

Why fun and play is so important to the brain? 

  1. Your brain loves to play and it’s essential for learning. When you open yourself to new ideas or try new things, you make new neural connections faster than by playing life safe and doing what you are used to.
  2. Your brain is malleable.
  3. Your brain will keep on changing your entire life.
  4. Your brain reshapes based on how you use it. So if you practice a new way of using it that fulfills you, it will change.

As adults we are much more stuck in our heads, overthinking, and just generally not living in the moment. Too much thinking and living in the past or the future isn’t fun.


Real sources of fun are activities you get lost in. You get into the flow of what you are doing in the moment. 


How can you get lost in some new activities that move you out of overthinking and the seriousness of life? How can you have so much fun that hunger surprises you, bubbling up from your body instead of checking in from your brain?



Today we are going to revisit the fun parts of your childhood.


Imagine that you have a fingerprint, or perhaps, as Martha Beck states, a FunPrint, that’s unique to you and that you were born with, Like your fingerprint, t’s innate and specific to you. 


Genetic research suggests that our fun preferences are largely inborn, meaning they are just part of who we are, and they stay consistent throughout life. 


So if as a kid, you loved sports, but now you don’t engage in any sports, getting back into a sport, you might find yourself really happy and enjoying it. 


The time when we’re free to act on our inborn joys and pleasures is usually in childhood. I want to help you reflect on your history since it leaves a lot of clues about you and your natural desire for FUN.


I’d like you to get out a piece of paper or use the worksheet with this session: Revisiting the FUN PARTS of Your Childhood 


  1. Take 3-5 minutes and write down as many activities as you can remember that you loved doing as a child, either alone or with others.


  1. When you are done, star any particular activity that made you “lose time.” Did you become entirely absorbed in telling stories? Climbing trees? Playing dress-up? Board games? Doing puzzles? Playing with cars?


If you don’t know and have family that could jog your memory, after this, give them a ring.



  1. How many of these activities do you engage in now?


4 . Now, I’d like for you to get out another piece of paper looking at your list of items, let’s look for patterns. 


–       Were most of these fun activities playing alone or with others? 

–       Were you inside or outside? 

–       Were the activities that you enjoyed in a calm and relaxing way or loud and rough? 


  1. Feel free over the week to add to this list. 



Almost certainly these preferences still exist in you.


This week I want to bring back some of this FUN in your life. 


Look at your list and get your phone out. Schedule at least two times where you are going to try out something that you used to do, that you’ve let go of.

Action Steps for Session 1:

NOVICE LEVEL – Finish the Revisiting the FUN PARTS of Your Childhood worksheet. If you are still working on hunger/satiation, stick with it. If you are ready to add more fun to your week, continue on to the next level.

INTERMEDIATE LEVEL- Complete the task from above. Then, choose one starred activity from your past that you want to try again. Schedule it on your calendar. Make fun a priority.

ADVANCED LEVEL – Do the assignments above, picking two starred activities you’d like to engage in from your childhood. Take time now to schedule them on your calendar. Notice any differences with hunger on those days. Report into your accountability group or on Friday’s Check-In post to let everyone know how you did.

Consider listening to an extra podcast or class.

Session #2:

Finding Joy through Gratitude and Meal Transitions

Notes for Session #2

Gratitude can really help the shift from life being HARD to JOYFUL. 

Finding Joy Through Gratitude:

–       I find the best way to add joy to my tasks is to find gratitude. Feeling grateful for what you have. 

  • For me, laundry is never fun – but when I find gratitude for being able to have clothes on my back, having a wide variety of clothes, being able to shop for clothes, having a washer and dryer in my home that I can just turn on at any time (no need to walk to a laundromat), it’s amazing. To be able to turn some buttons and have clean clothes is so valuable.


  • Emptying the dishwasher is another task I don’t love – but if I think about how lucky I am to be able to have dishes, a kitchen, and the opportunity to cook without having to wash every dish by hand, I get flooded with gratitude. Considering how I just push a button and they are clean, changes how I feel and brings joy into washing dishes.



An awareness activity:

  1.     Fold your paper the long way – vertically down the page. 
  2.     Think about all the tasks that you do regularly and dread. List them on the left-hand side of the page.
  3.     On the right-hand side, write down all the ways you can find gratitude for these tasks. 
  4.     Begin using gratitude in your regular tasks.



Adding fun to what you are already doing– 

Lisa shared on Friday that she had started adding some more fun to the things that she’s already doing instead of adding FUN as a To Do. I think this is really important to think about and take action on, especially for those of you who are super busy.


The other piece that I want to bring your attention to is bringing more mindful enjoyment into your everyday tasks


I particularly want you to pay attention to transitions after your meals where you might find yourself overeating.


If mealtimes are great joys for you, sometimes it’s more than the food that is joyful.

  • The connection to others
  •  The break from work
  •  Enjoying family time
  •  Relaxing


If what’s after your meal sucks, you won’t want to stop eating.

So I want you to pay particular attention to making the time immediately after your meals enjoyable.


Ways to make after-meal time more interesting:

  • Take a walk for 20 minutes…it helps digest the food and calms the nervous system.
  • Put music on and dancing after dinner
  • Watching a show as you put dishes away
  • Listen to comedy after lunch
  • Talk to a friend after lunch
  • Read a book you love after dinner. 


Looking forward to the enjoyment after your meal helps to stop eating when satisfied. 


Think about some things that you can do after lunch and dinner to help you transition out of eating and into another enjoyable task.

Adding fun to everyday tasks makes the tasks less painful. Take some time to find pleasure in what you’re already doing.

Action Steps for Session 2:

NOVICE LEVEL –  If you are still working on session #1, then continue lighting up your life with activities that gave you joy from your childhood. Schedule it on your calendar, making it a fun priority.

 INTERMEDIATE LEVEL- Continue trying new joys from your childhood from the novice level assignment from above. Make the list of the tasks you don’t like to do with Marna in the workshop for session 2. Then concentrate on finding the good in what you need to do and flooding your tasks with gratitude when you feel resistance. 

ADVANCED LEVEL – Do the assignments above. Add in finding pleasurable transitions at the end of your meals to help you stop at satiation. Maybe you’d like to listen to at least one extra ThinWithin podcast or class this week. You could re-listen to today’s workshop.

Report into your accountability group or on Monday’s Facebook post to declare what you are working on: FUN, GRATITUDE, or TRANSITIONS and then on Friday’s Check-In post to let us know how you did.

Session #3:

Using Gratitude to Move Toward Your Health Goals

Notes for Session #3

Take a moment to reflect on your year so far. 


1. Are you moving….

  •       toward your goals?
  •       away from your goals?
  •       staying in the same place,
    not gaining or losing, but staying in the same weight range?


2. How do you feel about where you are currently?


3. How do you want to feel about where you are and what’s possible? 


4. What are you thinking about your weight loss journey right now?


 5. How do you want to think about it?



Notice if your feelings and thoughts are 

  • more on the positive and light side —“I am learning how to do this” 
  • or more on the negative and heavy side – “Weight loss is HARD.”



How often are you taking time to imagine yourself having the time of your life as your naturally thin, healthy, fun, and amazing self?


This week, we are going to continue to bring gratitude and find joy in the little things, but we are going to focus this gratitude on your body, health, and food. 



Body –  Are there parts of your body that you struggle to have positive thoughts about? 


It is essential to watch what thoughts you are feeding your mind.

Choose loving and kind thoughts regarding your body.

How loving? I want you to be your best friend. Nobody else can love you more than you do.


Those hard-to-love and not-so-hard-to-love parts make up the body you live in. Judgment and recrimination against your physical form will not make weight loss easier.

Choose to find gratitude for all parts of your body.

This choice is worth your focus and will shift your energy from resistance to trust and enjoyment.




Health – What are you grateful for in terms of your health?


Can you walk, wheel, run, swim, or some other type of movement? No matter what shape your health is in, you are here. You live in a physical body. And your body is amazing!


Just think about it. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week without a break or a vacation, since before you were born, your heart has been pumping blood through your veins. This blood reaches every part of your body and keeps it alive. All this and your heart works without you having to think about it at all. It works on and on without one “Thank you.”


Your lungs continue breathing even when you forget. Even when you’re asleep! It brings needed oxygen to the blood.


Your feet can move you around. Your fingers (or even your voice) can text or call a friend. Your arms can give someone you love the best hug ever.


If you ever need to get in touch with your gratitude, it is easy to find something working well in your body.



Food–  Look at your meals. Be present. Be mindful of what you eat and where it came from and who helped it get to your plate.


The food I have access to is stunning. Bananas and avocados aren’t grown anywhere near my house and yet I can get them any day of the week, along with so many other foods, at any local grocery store. Not everyone can afford the food I am able to serve. I don’t take that privilege for granted.


Recently, I served at a food bank specifically for Preschool Teachers. Their pay is so low there is a food bank for them near me! It’s unbelievable but true. One teacher I spoke with was so grateful for the avocados we served because she hadn’t been able to buy one for her family in years.


So when you look down at your meals, find gratitude for what you are about to eat. Find the beauty in the colors, the tastes, the textures, and the nutrition you put into your body. Even if you can’t buy avocados yourself there is much to appreciate. Sink into gratitude for the money you have to purchase the food for your meal.


The positive energy of ALLOWING health to enter at a higher level is more powerful than the energy of hate, anger, frustration, or criticism you may have circling around your body, meals, or health.


Do the work to move the OLD language out of your mind. It will take practice. However, the time you put in will be worth it when you become more open and allowing with your thoughts. 


You may get off track. It’s normal. It’s human. Keep coming back to this ThinWithin Life conversation and the possibility of weight loss. Allow it in.



Action Steps for Session 3:

If you are still working on session #1, then continue lighting up your life with activities that gave you joy from your childhood. Schedule it on your calendar, making it a fun priority.

If you need more time on session #2,  practice flooding your tasks with gratitude when you feel resistance.

If you feel complete with sessions #1 and #2, complete the questions from today and do the hypnosis in the last 5 minutes of today’s workshop. Notice your “This is HARD” or other negative thoughts about your weight, body, or relationship with food. Meet the negativity with a hug of gratitude. Use the notes above for assistance if you need it.

Do the assignments above. When you are confronted with “This is HARD,” listen to a ThinWithin podcast or any workshop session to combat the words that aren’t supporting you. Stay in this ThinWithin Life conversation and spend time daily seeing yourself enjoying your life at the weight/health you desire.

Report into your accountability group or on Monday’s Facebook post to declare what you are working on this week and then on Friday’s Check-In post to let us know how you did.

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