Facing Your Food Triggers Workshop

Do you ever eat when you are not hungry? There are several possible triggers that can lead to eating when your body is not actually hungry. Our environment is full of food triggers, which is why we are going to do a deep dive into your external challenges. You will spend time assessing each of these external triggers and create a new way to tackle them so you can accelerate your weight loss while continuing to honor your body and eat ThinWithin.

Get ready to leave this workshop knowing precisely how to tackle your external triggers utilizing powerful tools to further create a thinner you, and a peaceful and positive relationship with food.

Session #1:

Understanding Your Triggers

Notes for Session #1


This week I’m going to go into more of the brain science, and then in the weeks ahead, we are going to dig into your life and your personal relationship with food triggers so you can gain awareness and the tools to start breaking these food triggers apart so you can shift them and lose weight.

Food Triggers leading to eating often feel like – 

  • Eating when you’re not hungry
  • Regularly eating alone or in secret
  • feeling you are not in control of your eating patterns
  • feeling depressed, ashamed, or disgusted with your eating habits


Understanding  Your Behaviors 

To understand triggers, it’s important you understand the process of a behavior. This information is adapted from Tony Robbins’ trainings.


A behavior is made up of four components. 

1. Triggers – Thought or Feeling

Triggers is the first component in a behavior.  Triggers signal you by automatically creating an urge to eat.  

2. Urge

The urge is the second component of a behavior.  Unless the urge is reduced, it will lead to eating whether you are hungry or not.  

3. Behavior

A behavior is the third component of a behavior. A behavior is where you actually ACT – which means eating or stop yourself from eating.  After you eat, you experience consequences of eating.  

4. Consequences

There are both positive and negative consequences.  
*Positive consequences: such as enjoying the taste of food or numbing out. 

*Negative consequences: such as gaining weight or adding body fat.


A habit is a conditioned pattern of behavior that happens repeatedly because:
1) There is a trigger signaling you to eat.

2)There are lots of built-in positive consequences rewarding your behavior.


The Recency Factor – 
The consequence that happens right after the behavior – great tasting food – have more power than the delayed consequence of weight gain.

Unless we take some powerful action to get in front of our triggers the recency factor will always win out.

Now if we ate a donut and suddenly you saw a donut sticking out of your face, we might avoid the action because the immediate consequence is embarrassment, pain, or shame.

What we must do is bring the negative consequence of these triggers that lead to overeating vividly into the present with mental tools. 


Every time our brain experiences a great amount of pleasure, our brains want to be able to duplicate the experience of pleasure and avoid the experience of pain in the future. It creates a neuro-connection inside of our brain, which is like a nerve signal. These nerve signals create our physical reality which is wild.

That’s why willpower only works so long. You can’t willpower something that is actually physical.

If you want to create a new behavior that supports you looking and feeling awesome, you must – 

1. Interrupt the pattern that isn’t serving you
2. Create a new, empowering pattern

3. Condition the new patterns until its working consistently for you



There are three kinds of triggers:

1.     External triggers:  Sights, sounds, touches, tastes, and smells in your external world

2.     Mental triggers:  Sights, sounds, feelings, tastes, thoughts, and smells that you create in your internal world.

3.     Physical triggers:  Physically being hungry.


Physical triggers are real eating triggers and should be followed with eating up to a comfortable satisfaction level.  


We will be focusing on the external and some mental triggers. 

This is why we need to spend time assessing your triggers so that you can successfully start reducing them and fully eradicating them all together. 

Here are seven types of external triggers that cue you to eat when you are not hungry that I want you to be aware of:

1.     Location triggers:          A particular couch, a specific room.

2.     People triggers:             Eating partners, family, friends, co-workers.

3.     Sensory triggers:           Smells, sights, feelings, and sounds.

4.     Emotional triggers:        Certain emotions can trigger you to eat.

5.     Activity triggers:                           Starting or stopping a particular activity. 

6.     Occasion triggers:         Weddings, luncheons, and cocktail parties.

7.     Time triggers:                 A certain time of the day can signal you to eat.

Action Plan for Session 1:

Step #1 – Listen to this week’s workshop and imagine this week you are a fly on the wall just being aware of your relationship with food and what your mind does to urge you to eat. 

Record on a piece of paper or in your journal the urges you feel outside of hunger that urge you to eat. 

Step #2 – When you notice this urge, ask yourself  if you are able to wait until  you are hungry to have the food that you are craving. This is one way to push this food out until you are actually physically hungry for it.

Session #2:

People and Social Eating Triggers

Notes for Session #2

This week you are going to look at your people and social eating triggers and how to begin to get in front of them.

Do you have people in your life that you find yourself overeating with or simply not caring about how much you eat?

Do you find some people in your life bringing you food and you find it hard to say no to?

People triggers are real and social eating can feel comforting and loving.  

Psychologists at the University of Toronto 

Psychologists at the University of Toronto compiled 30 years of overeating research and concluded that regardless of how hungry we are, social cues dictate our food intake. Even in groups as small as two people, we eat as much as 30 to 50 percent more than when eating alone. 

The good news is that we know that people who are connected with their bodies eat significantly less.

So if you are struggling with overeating in and around others, you are in good company. And today we are going to begin to massively reduce that number so you can lose weight.

“Disinhibition Hypothesis”.

There is a term called “Disinhibition hypothesis” which basically means that people do not monitor our food intake as much in others’ presence.

Being with others is a distraction and makes it difficult for the brain to monitor food intake.

I’m sure at times everyone can find themselves overeating in the face of  dinner parties and going out to eat with friends or family.

Yet even if It’s hard for our brains to manage satisfaction when we are with people, we can absolutely make this a new habit.

Have you ever noticed when you are very careful and don’t overeat in social situations – maybe on a lunch interview, a first date, meeting someone important or the in-laws? These situations can trigger you to eat less. 

Why does that happen – you might be nervous and you are eating slowly, pacing yourself and being careful.


Take Inventory

1. Write down the people in your life that you eat with on a regular basis with.

2. Write down the people who you might be eating with this week.

3. Pick one of these tools you can practice in the face of being with your people/person/social trigger that  you’d like to try out –  

1. Constant Body Feedback with the Power of Pauses

Your body is always sending you signals.  Check in with yourself on a regular basis and ask pay attention to how your body is feeling. Is it hungry, satisfied, feeling light and relaxed – or is it time to stop eating and sip on water, tea or something else. 

2. Mindful Indulgence

Give yourself permission to fully enjoy food you love without setting any restrictions or rules. Decide which food you would love to eat and how much approximately will make you feel satisfied.  Make a conscious and mindful decision to really enjoy food without guilt. When we give ourselves permission to consciously indulge into food, we can reduce overeating.

3. It’s All About Relationships

Enjoy the company of other people which is the main purpose of the social occasion – not eating. Food is part of the celebration but I personally believe that a celebration or a social occasion is all about connecting with our loves ones and meeting new people. 

4. Have a Conversation And Have the Courage to Ask For Help

It takes courage to ask for help, but it’s an important choice when advocating for your beautiful body. 

All you have to say is, “FIRST NAME, I’m committed to listening and honoring my body during meals. Sometimes you offer me more food. I know you really care about me, but I promise that If I’m hungry, I will grab some more food.”

or something of that nature.

5. Say “No Thank you” to food pushers

Politely and firmly respond to food pushers by saying “no thank you”  and then compliment the person on their cooking and how amazing it is. 

“No, thank you. You are such an amazing cook but I’m stuffed. I can’t have another bite!”

You can also follow up “no thank you,” by immediately following it up with a question to distract the food pusher. 

“No, really. I’m full. So tell me, do you have any fun plans for the weekend?”

Other things you can say – 

“I appreciate the thoughtfulness and generosity. I am so full but thank  you.

“My body is full but I appreciate your offer.”

“That’s so sweet. I’m fine, but thank you.

That’s so nice. My stomach has been a little off lately, but thank you.” 

Action Plan for Session 2:

Step #1 – Listen to this week’s workshop.

Step #2 – Take inventory by answering these two questions.

1. Write down the people in your life that you eat with on a regular basis with.

2. Write down the people who you might be eating with this week.

Step #3 Pick one of the following tools you will practice this week (the full description of each are in the notes section above) –

1. Constant Body Feedback with the Power of Pauses


2. Mindful Indulgence

3. It’s All About Relationships


4. Have a Conversation And Have the Courage to Ask For Help


5. Say “No Thank you” to food pushers –


Session #3:

Location Triggers:

Visualization Only for Location Triggers (15 min):

Notes for Session #3

This week you will discover and find ways to deal with your Location Triggers.

For you, which locations have cues to overeat?


First, let’s gather some data. Get out a piece of paper. Title it location triggers. In the first column, list the places you eat. Yes, all of them so you can determine what is going on in these places.



  • Is it your bed?
  • A certain couch?
  • Your car?
  • A specific table or desk?
  • In front of the TV?
  • Sitting at the kitchen island?
  • Being too near the pantry?
  • Opening the fridge?
  • Maybe in the salon after a worship service?
  • When visiting someone in the hospital or convalescent home?

Now, in the second column, decide whether each location causes a Low,  Medium, or High Trigger to overeat and/or eat unconsciously.

Look at the list. How many triggers are you dealing with? Choose the location that has the lowest percentage of overeating episodes.



To deal with Place Triggers, eat the majority of your meals at a LOW TRIGGER spot like the kitchen table or other place where you won’t be as triggered to overeat.

Be clear with your words when talking about this new habit.

Say THE MAJORITY OF THE TIME, I AM CHOOSING TO BE IN THE LOW TRIGGERING LOCATIONS  instead of using the less powerful, more whishy-washy I WILL TRY.

Do not reach for perfection! Just declare you will eat there the majority of the time so you don’t create an interior rebellion that will sabotage your efforts.


Think about home and other locations you have to be in during your week. Choose the best places to eat.

If you work outside of the home and the cafeteria is less triggering than eating at your desk, add in more meals in the cafeteria.


When triggered you will often overeat because you go unconscious or numb out.


Before starting the 15 minute visualization, have in mind the safest place for you to eat consciously. 


Two extra things you can do to improve your chances to enjoy your meal and feel into your satiety:

  1.  Beautify the space in which you are choosing to eat. A cluttered area might be really uncomfortable to be in. Make the space and say “I deserve this beauty in my life.” 
  2. Help your brain support you. Move the visual cues to eat by storing as much food as possible behind cupboard dooors. Put the food that triggers you most behind the healthier choices.

You may also want to put triggering food way up at the top or in the far back areas of a cupboard. Or ask someone to hide them from you.

Visual reminders to eat are challenging to ignore as the day wears away your willpower.

You deserve to have an enjoyable space to eat your food, uncluttered and without temptations. If your space isn’t pretty, what can you do to make the space nicer and your food more visually appealing so you can stay conscious while eating? 

Choose to cultivate habits that empower your goals.

Decide to be more connected with your hunger cues and more loving of your body’s needs.

Action Plan for Session 3:

Session 1 – If you need more time figuring out when you overeat, stick with being the fly on the wall just being aware of your relationship with food and see if you can negotiate with those parts of you that want what they want when they want it.

Session 2- If you are still working on people who trigger you, continue with week 2’s tools

INTERMEDIATE LEVEL- Complete the inventory of Location Triggers discussed in Session 3. Commit to eating in the Lowest Triggering place at least 3 times this week. Be open to having the necessary conversations or negations with your triggered mind.

ADVANCED LEVEL – Do the assignments above and choose the eat in the Lowest Triggering place at least 4-6 times this week. Clean off or beautify your space. Move the food that doesn’t trigger you to the front and cover up/block the ones that do.

Session #4:

Sensory Triggers:

Body Scan to Face Your Food Triggers- 9 min:

Notes for Session #4

Sensory triggers to eat ignite your senses. Businesses have paid advertisers big bucks to plant sight, sound, feeling, taste, and smell cues to signal you to reach for food even though you are not hungry.

Sometimes there can be many trigger types at the same time so spend some time with these triggers with this Sensory Food Triggers Worksheet to figure out how best to deal with them. 

Which stimuli or combinations of stimuli affect you strongest?

  • Sight Triggers 
  • (Auditory) Sound Triggers 
  • (Kinesthetic) Touch Triggers  
  • Taste Triggers  
  • Smell Triggers 

Become aware of what affects you most so you can prepare.

Is it walking by the kitchenette, the vending machine, or the bowl of candy on someone’s desk at work? Is it the commercial you just saw or the smell of popping popcorn?

Decision fatigue makes these sensory triggers more powerful. Later in the day can weaken the resolve you had earlier in the day.

Do the Body Scan with this worksheet Food DESIRE Body Relaxation Technique– or use the 9-minute audio above.

Look at food desires in your head. Face them in your body. Lessen or relax the over-desire for food.

The better you get at lessening the over-desire to eat, the more food will become “just food.”

This Bodywork scan will help when you are triggered. It’s really good to use when you get weaker….in the evening, after 3 pm, or on the weekend when you have more time. 

You can use the time you would be eating without hunger to change your habits. It only takes about 5- 10 minutes to do this work.


If any trigger comes, any desire for food, take some time to do it. Print the worksheet out so you are ready. Or use the audio.

Next week bring a trigger you would be happy to do without in your life.

Action Plan for Session 4:

Session 1 – If you need more time figuring out when you overeat, stick with being the fly on the wall just being aware of your relationship with food and see if you can negotiate with those parts of you that want what they want when they want it.

Session 2- If you are still working on people who trigger you, continue with week 2’s tools

Session 3- You can also stay with location triggers by committing to eat in the Lowest Triggering place at least 3 times this week.

INTERMEDIATE LEVEL- Complete the Sensory Food Triggers Worksheet to find your most powerful senses that get challenged. Two to three times this week practice the Body Scan with this worksheet Food DESIRE Body Relaxation Technique– or use the 9-minute audio.

ADVANCED LEVEL – Do the assignments above and practice the Body scan at least 5 times this week.

Session #5:

Banish Unhealthy Triggering Food - the Scramble Technique

Notes for Session #5

Today, I introduce the highly effective  NLP Scramble Technique. With the Scramble Technique, you use your mental focus to attach extremely negative associations to an unhealthful food trigger that you want to reduce or eliminate in your life.

When you do this, the trigger will be rewired to the feeling of extreme disgust in your brain.

Before listening, pick up at least one food trigger that you want to majorly reduce in your life.

WARNING: This is a highly effective technique but will make you nauseated and feel a little stomach yuck. That is the point of this. However, if you have a beautiful place to go right after this, I’d rather you do this on your own at a time where you can take on these negative associations and be nauseated for a little while. Because I’m telling you, this is going to reduce your trigger foods, but I want to make sure you are mentally and physically prepared.

The Scramble Technique:

Take out your food that you really really love but would like to stop eating and look at it. I want you to put it in your hands and feel what it feels like in your hands, look at it. Really observe it, what color is it, smell it. Imagine what it’s like to taste this food….

Now having it in front of you, 1-10, notice what your craving is for this food? 1 being, not having a craving for it and 10 being I’m out of control having a craving for this food right now.

Whatever number comes to you, it’s just fine. Write it down for reference.

Now I want you to put this food down and immediately as you put your food down, in your mind’s eye, I want you to imagine cockroaches suddenly coming out of it. You hear the noise they make, and see them eating your food. They are squiggling around your food and more of them are joining the initial ones.

As they are this food they are wiggling making more and more of them until the entire piece of food is covered with wiggling moving cockroaches consuming and eating and leaving behind food – you hear them squeal as they eat your food and you hear them crunch on top of each other as they eat your food. Think about how you are going to have to touch them to clean up this mess.

Now stop imagining this!
Close your eyes.
Relax your body
and take a few breaths…

1-10, notice what your craving is for you the food you brought? 1 being, not having a craving for it and 10 being I’m out of control having a craving for this food right now.

Write it down so you can see any difference this 3-5 minute mental exercise made. Did your craving decrease

This Scramble Technique shows the abilities of your imagination. It is the power of taking something you love and immediately surprising/scrambling your brain with something gross on top of it.

Possible suggestions:

  • Vomit
  • Blood
  • Urine
  • Rats
  • Cat hairball 
  • Maggots


Drink some water and relax a little bit for a second before trying this again. It can be repeated over time until the craving is zero.

Action Plan for Session 5:

Session 1 – If you need more time figuring out when you overeat, stick with being the fly on the wall just being aware of your relationship with food and see if you can negotiate with those parts of you that want what they want when they want it.

Session 2- If you are still working on people who trigger you, continue with week 2’s tools

Session 3- You can also stay with location triggers by committing to eat in the Lowest Triggering place at least 3 times this week.

Session 4- Two to three times this week practice the Body Scan with this worksheet Food DESIRE Body Relaxation Technique– or use the 9-minute audio in session 4 above.


INTERMEDIATE LEVEL- Find a food or drink that you would love to stop consuming. Listen to the Scramble Technique in this session or follow along using your own ideas with the notes. This week monitor if you get triggered by this trouble food keeps. As always, if you are feeling stuck go back to the Mastery Course.


ADVANCED LEVEL –  If your cravings come back or if you want to add another food, try the Scramble Technique a few more times. Keep track of your levels. Ignite your senses and emotions as much as possible in the mental exercise.

Check in on the private TWL Facebook group or your Cohort/Accountability Group or email Kate to report your progress.

Session #6:

The Confront and Swap Technique

Notes for Session #6

This week, face your trigger head-on and then choose something healthier with lots of positive associations for your brain so it will be your go-to in the future.


When you are in a triggered situation, use the Confront and Swap technique. Instead of resisting this desire, you actually face it head on and then make another option more appealing with your imagination.


First, look at the food and start to create some negative associations – like seeing yourself get bigger, and then quickly switch to a situation where you have lots of positive sights, sounds, feelings, tastes, and smell associations. Then eat the food that will help you create the body you want. 


EXAMPLE: An unhealthy fast food.

  1. Imagine the greasy feeling that just doesn’t make you feel your best. See yourself eating that food that you know is not serving your body. Imagine your body NOT enjoying it. Imagine you NOT enjoying the feeling uncomfortable in your skin. Notice your skin actually breaking out with huge pimples. Yuck!
  2. Then quickly move to a healthy meal situation. Be present. Imagine tons of positive sights, sounds, feelings, tastes, and smell associations. In your mind, locate this healthy meal in some place enjoyable like the beach, a coffee shop, a pretty park, or your front porch with music that  you love playing.
  3. Choose a food item that will help you actually lose weight – like eating an apple.
  4. Then you are going to enjoy eating that food item in a slow, savoring way.
  5. Finally, actually, eat this way. Act it out in real-time.


Here are some tools to slow your roll when eating:

  • Purposely spend 20-30 minutes eating. Make it a game.
  • Stay relaxed while you eat
  • Cut your food into smaller pieces
  • Stop and think about what and how much you’re eating
  • Chew your food slowly
  • Swallow each bite before taking the next mouthful
  • Put less food on your utensil
  • Put your utensils and finger food down between bites
  • Have a one-minute pause
  • Assess your level of satisfaction here and there
  • Use chopsticks or hold  your utensils in your non-dominant hand
  • Be the last person to finish

Action Plan for Session 6:

Session 1 – If you need more time figuring out when you overeat, stick with being the fly on the wall just being aware of your relationship with food and see if you can negotiate with those parts of you that want what they want when they want it.

Session 2- If you are still working on people who trigger you, continue with week 2’s tools

Session 3- You can also stay with location triggers by committing to eat in the Lowest Triggering place at least 3 times this week.

Session 4- Two to three times this week practice the Body Scan with this worksheet Food DESIRE Body Relaxation Technique– or use the 9-minute audio in session 4 above.

Session 5- Use the Scramble Technique to decrease or completely remove the cravings for food or drink that you would love to stop consuming. 


INTERMEDIATE LEVEL- Practice at least 3 times this week Confronting your trigger and then Swapping for healthier food and surroundings in your mind. Then actually create the swap situation at least once. Eat slowly with the ideas listed in the notes.


ADVANCED LEVEL – Practice the above assignment at least 5 times mentally. At least 2 times, create the Swap situation after mentally practicing.

Check-in on the private TWL Facebook group or your Cohort/Accountability Group or email Kate to report your progress.

Session #7:

Resetting Your Nervous System

Notes for Session #7

Resetting Your Nervous System – by activating and resetting your vagus nerve


The vagus nerve is attached to the base to the brain and is the longest nerve. It helps us move, but also collects a lot of information.


The Vagus Nerve connects your brain to key organs: intestines, stomach, heart, and lung function.


It handles the sympathetic and parasympathetic system: 

When you feel anxious the vagus nerve is often part of that. It influences digestion heart rate, digestion, and even mental health


By increasing your vagal tone you can assist with tension, cravings, and mood.


Strategy –

  1. Turn your head all the way to right and notice any tension
  2. Turn your head all the way to left and notice any tension
  3. Clasp your hands behind your head and look to the right until you get an involuntary sigh/yawn
  4. Clasp your hands behind your head and look to the left until you get an involuntary sigh/yawn



Tapping for Cravings –  

This is going to help you in two minutes. It’s a great version and super simple. You don’t have to believe in it for it to work.


First – Rate the intensity 1-10 of the craving. How intense is this craving?

Second – Write the intensity of your craving down so you don’t forget and check back in to see if the craving reduced. If it did not, repeat.


While tapping say – “Even though I have this craving, I completely love and accept myself.”

  • On the top center of your head – tap lightly with 2-3 fingers.
  • On the brow bone with four fingers 
  • On the side of the right eye
  • Under the eye
  • Under nose
  • Collar bone
  • Grab your wrist – “PEACE” “PEACE” “PEACE”
  • Close your eyes and notice what level your craving is.



Supplement to help with all sorts of cravings – L-Glutamine


Always consult a physician before taking any new supplements.


Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and are used by the body to perform several important functions. These amino acids are especially important to your digestive and immune functions. L-Glutamine is an essential amino acid that your body naturally produces in small amounts. You can also acquire it from external sources, including foods and supplements. 


L-Glutamine helps transport different substances through the blood and boosts the immune system so that it can fight off the harmful germs. It also helps in the growth of and repair of muscles and tissues in the body and can reduce cravings.


L-glutamine is available in both powder and capsules, yet I find that the powder works faster and more effectively to reduce sugar cravings. 

Just mix 500mg with a glass of 12-16oz in the morning and any time a sugar craving strikes. The craving should subside within 10-15 minutes. 

If you need a fast strategy,  just grab some powder and place some on your gums /tongue.

If your cravings do not subside, it is safe to go up to 2,000mg. There are few side effects, but please do not use if you find yourself experience digestive difficulties or pain.

Action Plan for Session 7:

Session 1 – If you need more time figuring out when you overeat, stick with being the fly on the wall just being aware of your relationship with food and see if you can negotiate with those parts of you that want what they want when they want it.

Session 2- If you are still working on people who trigger you, continue with week 2’s tools

Session 3- You can also stay with location triggers by committing to eat in the Lowest Triggering place at least 3 times this week.

Session 4- Two to three times this week practice the Body Scan with this worksheet Food DESIRE Body Relaxation Technique– or use the 9-minute audio in session 4 above.

Session 5- Use the Scramble Technique to decrease or completely remove the cravings for food or drink that you would love to stop consuming. 

Session 6-  Practice at least 3 times this week confronting your trigger and then swapping for healthier food. Beautify your surroundings to reinforce the choice you wish to repeat. 


INTERMEDIATE LEVEL- At least 3 times this week do the vagal tone exercises, tapping to decrease cravings, or look into the possibility of using L-glutamine (with Doctor’s OK, of course).


ADVANCED LEVEL – Choose to do 4-5 actions from the above action step this week.


Check-in on the private TWL Facebook group or your Cohort/Accountability Group or email Kate to report your progress.

Session #8:

Review and Assessment of Facing Your Food Triggers

Notes for Session #8

This workshop was created to help you get in front of your food triggers in a powerful way and then lessen the urge to consume without hunger. 


If you acknowledge, anticipate, and practice for the triggering energy that undercut your desired goals for your body, there will be a change.


These triggers afflict you only because there is a positive response. Possibly a burst of excitement, connection to people, numbing out from the day’s stress, etc.


The reason triggers are powerful is because you don’t see the negative. It’s a delayed piece. The dopamine surge is immediate. The weight gain, aches, or bloat take hours or days to appear.


How can you get the love, fun, health…. everything you want… without pushing food into your already satisfied body? Simply, a question to continue pondering as this workshop ends and as you practice getting in front of these triggers.


Open this link to see what triggers are still affecting you:  Facing Your Food Triggers Assessment Document

On the lines in the document, write 1-10 to represent the power of these triggers for you. 

  • 1 = very weak
  • 10 = extremely powerful


If you didn’t get a chance to try some of these tools, try one out this week. If you have one you find effective, spend more time on it. It is also an excellent week to take one that interests you but you haven’t used for a spin.


Allow the triggering energy to be released with one of these strategies.


Program in a more powerful reaction to your triggers!

Action Plan for Session 8:

NOVICE LEVEL – Spend 1-3 times this week practicing one of the following strategies to notice, prepare for, distract, or confront your food triggers:

  • Session 1 – If you need more time figuring out when you overeat, stick with being the fly on the wall just being aware of your relationship with food and see if you can negotiate with those parts of you that want what they want when they want it.
  • Session 2- If you are still working on people who trigger you, continue with week 2’s tools
  • Session 3- You can also stay with location triggers by committing to eat in the Lowest Triggering place at least 3 times this week.
  • Session 4- Two to three times this week practice the Body Scan with this worksheet Food DESIRE Body Relaxation Technique– or use the 9-minute audio in session 4 above.
  • Session 5- Use the Scramble Technique to decrease or completely remove the cravings for food or drink that you would love to stop consuming. 
  • Session 6-  Practice at least 3 times this week confronting your trigger and then swapping for healthier food. Beautify your surroundings to reinforce the choice you wish to repeat. 
  • Session 7: At least 3 times this week do the vagal tone exercises, tapping to decrease cravings, or look into the possibility of using L-glutamine (with Doctor’s OK, of course).


INTERMEDIATE LEVEL- Complete the Facing Your Food Triggers Assessment Document to determine where you are now with your triggers. Then choose one technique you are willing or excited to attempt for the first time or strengthen this week. Practice at least 3-4 times physically or in your imagination.


ADVANCED LEVEL – Do the above assignment and practice at least 4-5 times to help it become the go to habit.


Check-in on the private TWL Facebook group or your Cohort/Accountability Group or email Kate to report your progress.