Module 3: Session 2

Mastering Conscious Eating Through Mindfulness

Video #1 - The TASTE Formula for Mindful Eating™

Tips for Mindful Eating Using the TASTE Formula™

In my interviews with the naturally thin, another major theme appeared. The naturally  thin were much more calm and relaxed (by in large) with during their meals. They paid attention to foods impact on their bodies making it much easier to listen to their body before, during and after their meals.  In this module I  want you to practice using mindfulness during your meals and throughout your day.

Here are Few Tips to Enhance Your Mindful Eating Experience –

  1. Take a few deep breaths before you meal and set the intention to eat your meal mindfully
  2. Write down what you’re experiencing during your meal while you are eating
  3. Look at your food and notice the colors on your plate
  4. While eating, reflect on what do you like or don’t like about the food in your mouth
  5. Notice the different tastes and texture 
  6. See if you can tell what spices and ingredients were used in making your food
  7. Contemplate where it came from and how it’s grown
  8. Put your fork or food down between bites to taste your food 
  9. Chew your food a little longer 
  10. Blindfold your eyes and notice what it’s like to eliminate sight from the equation

 If you tend to be a fast eater – 

  1. Eat with your non-dominant hand if you need help slowing down
  2. Use chopsticks to slow down
  3. Use your breath to calm, relax and focus you


Video #2 - The Simplicity of Using Your Breath

Video #3 - The LOVE Mindfulness Formula™ for Managing Food Cravings

Video #4 - The Power of the Pause