Rising to Meet Your ThinWithin Life™

Rise out of your comfort zone as the new year begins. How are you going to grow your ThinWithin Life this year? The chapter of the past year has ended. You have a clear slate as the page turns. There are new thoughts, beliefs, and habits to choose. This month, Marna will inspire you to find them, plan for the year, and take your next best steps to create the healthy and thin you that is absolutely within you.

Session #1:

Connecting to Your Future ThinWithin Self

Notes for Session #1

Enter this workshop with a willingness to imagine and encounter your ThinWithin Self. 

“You have to see it to be it”

Connect with your ThinWithin Self by listening to the visualization in today’s workshop, then take out some paper or copy the document Crafting Your Future Self – 2024. Be open and answer the questions enclosed.

Practice the ThinWithin You into reality

Find a way to practice being the healthy and thin you that is absolutely within you on a daily or weekly basis. You will need to spend time feeling into the new reality to create it. Create a process that works for you. Five minutes a day is enough time to shift your mind through the power of feelings and intentions.

Find proof and celebrate 

You are already doing things that are healthy and make you proud. Increase your awareness of the good choices you are making. Celebrate any and all victories big or small so your brain knows it’s worth the effort to do the minute adjustments that will change your trajectory toward vibrant health. 

Choose to look good and see the beauty

By deciding to wear clothes that flatter you and taking the time to see the beauty you naturally have you will focus on what is already working, easing the flow of taking more beneficial actions.

You can’t let go of the old without having a new habit to put in its place. 

Build a ritual to revitalize your concept of health and vitality so you can step into the body you want this year.

Start with a 5 minute ritual at a time of day that works for you. Add it on to another habit you have like getting dressed in the morning, brushing your teeth, saying prayers, meditating, exercising, or before or after eating a meal.

Set an alarm to make it easier to remember.

If the ritual doesn’t work, tweak it until it does. Never give up on yourself.

Action Steps for Session 1:

NOVICE LEVEL –Answer the questions in today’s workshop. Think about what would fit into your life as a practice/ritual to journal/connect with your future healthier self.

Do the novice level assignment from above and start the practice you believe will work best. As a goal, 5 minutes is realistic for most people. If you miss a day, start again the next day without guilt.

Do the assignments above. Figure out a way to support yourself. Set an alarm to remind you and/or piggyback the new habit on some old habit like getting out of bed in the morning or getting into bed at night.

Report to your accountability group or on our private Facebook page to let everyone know how you are doing. 

Session #2:

Rising Above Your Beliefs About Your Ability to Lose Weight

Notes for Session #2

As you continue to build your daily ritual to connect to the ThinWIthin person you want to be from last week, look into the underlying assumptions you have about your ability to change your size or weight.

The beliefs you hold can fast track you to your goals or weigh you down and subconsciously override your desire to choose healthier habits. 

Often these thoughts are buried below the surface. What pops into your head and gets in the way?


With the following questions, dig into your beliefs so you can determine if your brain is following old precepts and steering you off course.


Questions to Rise Above Your Beliefs About Weight Loss:

What do you believe about your ability to lose weight?


As you look at your list, are these areas mostly positive or negative? Are there any themes?


Start to challenge these beliefs. If this year is going to be different you have to change how you think and what you believe you are capable of. 


Now consciously choose beliefs so you can shift into a new level of obtaining your body goals.


What intentional thoughts do you want to have about your body and your weight?

On the right hand side or on a new sheet of paper, start challenging these beliefs. Write a believable thought that is upleveled toward the vision you have for yourself for each negative belief you have about  your ability to change your weight.

Action Steps for Session 2:

NOVICE LEVEL – If you aren’t ready to progress with a new action step stay where you are finding your point of growth.

Week 1 – Start a practice/ritual to journal/connect with your future healthier self. As a goal, 5 minutes is realistic for most people. If you miss a day, start again the next day without guilt.

Listen to the workshop and record your negative beliefs and create intentional thoughts to counteract  the negative thoughts. Read the list of intentional thoughts at least three times this week.

Do the assignments above. During the week, explore and record more thoughts that are getting in the way of your weight loss and continue to come up with intentional beliefs for each one.

Report to your accountability group or on our private Facebook page to let everyone know how you are doing. 

Session #3:

Designing an Ideal Day for Your Naturally Slim and Radiant Self

Notes for Session #3

What do you want for yourself this year?

What is your relationship with weight loss? Do you get the message that you are broken? That it’s not possible to be slimmer, healthier or weigh less?

Simmer into your vision and craft your ideal day

Creating an “Ideal Day” of your healthy self involves envisioning a routine that aligns with your goals, values, and aspirations with the Crafting Your Ideal Healthy Day worksheet above.

These questions are meant to inspire thoughtful reflection. Your ideal day should reflect your unique values, desires, and goals.

Adjust and personalize your vision based on what truly resonates with you. 

Check to make sure what you choose is doable. If you are reaching too high, scale it back so you can more reasonably move toward the ideal day you would like.

Take small steps instead of overwhelming yourself.

Action Steps for Session 3:

NOVICE LEVEL – If you aren’t ready to progress with a new action step stay where you are finding your point of growth.

Week 1 – Start a practice/ritual to journal/connect with your future healthier self. As a goal, 5 minutes is realistic for most people. If you miss a day, start again the next day without guilt.

Week 2 – Record your negative beliefs and create intentional thoughts to counteract the negative thoughts. Read the list of intentional thoughts at least three times this week.

Listen to the workshop and complete the Crafting Your Ideal Healthy Day worksheet for at least a section of your ideal weekday or weekend. Choose one part of your ideal day that you feel is already doable now and put it into place this week.

Complete all sections of the Crafting Your Ideal Healthy Day worksheet. Choose one part of your ideal week that you feel is already doable now and put it into place this week so you start living the life of your dreams..

Report to your accountability group or on our private Facebook page to let everyone know how you are doing.

Session #4:

Rising Above Overeating

Notes for Session #4

I’m not going to tell you what to eat or when which can create a cycle of denial and binging.

ThinWithin Life™ goes deeper than a diet to the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that create eating outside of hunger.

This week explore the energy around the table.

It matters how you come to the table. Frenetic energy needs to be relaxed. Use belly breaths. Ground.

Be aware of what is happening at restaurant tables, tables with friends or family. Different situations and different locations may cause different reactions in you.

Exploring your relationship with your meals is a valuable step towards fostering a healthier relationship with food so you can slim down permanently. In this document are some questions to help deepen your relationship to your meals: Exploring Your Relationship With Food

  • Are you distracting yourself from being present while eating with media, your phone, a book, etc.?
  • Are you tired when you sit down to eat?
  • Are you seeking more energy from food?
  • Are you using food as a fidget to soothe yourself in social situations?

There is nothing wrong with any of these behaviors. The “wrong” label is from the diet mentality. Food and behaviors around food are not “good’ or “bad.” The real question is does what you are doing work well for your body and your life?

If you become aware of what you are thinking, doing, and feeling, BUT what you are thinking, doing, and feeling isn’t working for your goals, you get try something new. 

Do you bring out the sledgehammer and beat yourself up when you eat outside of hunger or do you get curious and shift your behavior? Notice it and start treating yourself like a friend you love. You are in charge.

Maybe you realize you don’t want to look at what is going on.

No one can do it for you. You have to become conscious for ThinWithin Life™ to work its magic.

Action Steps for Session 4:

NOVICE LEVEL – If you aren’t ready to progress with a new action step stay where you are finding your point of growth.

Week 1 – Start a practice/ritual to journal/connect with your future healthier self. As a goal, 5 minutes is realistic for most people. If you miss a day, start again the next day without guilt.

Week 2 – Record your negative beliefs and create intentional thoughts to counteract the negative thoughts. Read the list of intentional thoughts at least three times this week.

Week 3 –After completing the Crafting Your Ideal Healthy Day worksheet, choose one part of your ideal day that you feel is already doable now and put it into place this week.

Listen to the workshop and delve into at least one area of the Exploring Your Relationship With Food worksheet to discover your reactions. Consider how you can support yourself in this situation.

Do the work above for at least 3 areas and decide and attempt one action that you can try out to improve the situation next time.

Report to your accountability group or on our private Facebook page to let everyone know how you are doing.

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